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Wild berries are characteristic part of the Northern nature and a potential speciality of Nordic countries. Wild berries are also a rich and valuable resource that has not yet been exploited in a satisfactory level. Approximately 90-95 per cent of the whole wild berry crop yield is left unpicked in the Nordic forests every year. The challenges of the wild berry utilization are similar in Nordic countries - the logistics of berry picking including traceability, fragmented sector structure as well as the high share of unprocessed raw material in export. The Nordic project focusing on bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) "Bilberry: Towards functional food markets" (2007-2009) is a part of the New Nordic Food programme funded by the Nordic Innovation Centre. The programme aims to enhance cooperation and innovation among companies that utilize the natural resources in the Nordic countries. The aim of the project is to improve wild berry production and utilization in the Nordic and global market. To achieve this goal a network between the Nordic experts presenting the different fields of the wild berry sector has been established. The project has focused on marketing research, quality issues, biodiversity and traceability of wild berries, especially bilberry. The results of the marketing survey were published in November 2008. The aim of the survey was to generate an overall picture of the companies working with wild berries in Nordic countries and gather information on the existence and willingness of the berry companies to cooperate for instance in wild berry supply, logistics, marketing or research and development


Bær er fargesterke, de er vakre og de smaker godt. I tillegg inneholder bær en rekke forbindelser som har dokumenterte positive effekter på helsen vår. Planter inneholder tusenvis av kjemiske forbindelser. Noen av disse forbindelsene er bare til nytte for planten selv, men mange er også til nytte for oss mennesker. Molte ble for eksempel tidligere brukt som middel mot skjørbruk, lenge før en visste betydningen av C-vitamin. Bær inneholder karbohydrater, syrer, mineraler, aromastoffer og mange ulike forbindelser som vi kaller antioksidanter. Antioksidantene hindrer ødeleggelse av celler og arvestoff i kroppen vår. Det er mange typer antioksidanter i bær; vitamin C, karotenoider, xanthophyll og polyfenoler. Karotenoider og xanthophyll er orange og gule fargestoffer. Polyfenoler er igjen en stor gruppe forbindelser som anthocyaniner (røde fargestoffer), ellagitanniner og ellagin syre. Denne komplekse miksen av ulike antioksidanter gir bærene vakre farger, og for oss som spiser dem en rekke positive effekter på helsen.


De viltvoksende amerikanske artene virginiajordbær (Fragaria virginiana) og chilejordbær (F. chiloensis) har gitt opphav til våre dyrka hagejordbær, F. x ananassa. Vi har undersøkt den klimatiske regulering av blomstringen hos noen populasjoner av disse artene og jamført dette med variasjonene i blomstrings-reguleringen hos hagejordbær. Resultata viser både fellestrekk og ulikheter som viser at mange, men ikke alle, egenskaper hos hagejordbær kan spores direkte tilbake til foreldrene.


Produksjon av bringebær i veksthus og plasttunneller for friskkonsum har hatt et kraftig oppsving i de seinere år. Nye produksjonsmetoder er utvikla for dette formålet. Èn slik metode består i å dyrke planter (langskudd) i potter det første året for så å overvintre dem på kjølelager for driving i plasttunneller eller veksthus andre året. Denne såkalte langskudd-metoden gjør det mulig å variere og utvide produksjons- og høstesesongen i stor grad. Erfaringer både fra utlandet og her til lands har imidlertid vist at kvaliteten av langskudda er helt avgjørende for avlingsresultatet. I samarbeid med to produsenter av bringebærplanter har vi derfor undersøkt hvordan man best kan produsere langskudd med stort avlingspotensiale i vårt kjølige nordiske klima.

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Growth and flowering of the annual-fruiting raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) cultivar 'Polka' were studied under controlled environment conditions in order to facilitate out-of-season production. Vegetatively-propagated plants originating from adventitious root buds were used. Height growth and the rate of leaf formation increased with increasing temperature, up to a broad optimum in the mid-20 degrees C range. While elongation was consistently enhanced by long-day (LD) conditions, photoperiod had no effect on the rate of leaf formation. LD stimulation of growth thus resulted from increased internode length only. In agreement with earlier reports, it was found that, in contrast to biennial-fruiting cultivars, such annual-fruiting cultivars do not need low temperatures for flower initiation, nor do they appear to have a juvenile phase during which they are un-responsive to flower-inducing conditions. 'Polka' plants responded to inductive conditions as early as the 5-leaf stage, and flowered freely across the entire range of growth temperatures, even at 30 degrees C. Flowering was advanced and the number of flowers increased with increasing temperature, up to an optimum at 27 degrees C. Flowering was also consistently advanced and occurred at lower nodes under LD than under short-day (SD) conditions across the whole range of temperatures. Night interruption for 3 h in the middle of the night was also effective, demonstrating that this is a true photoperiodic response and not merely an effect of increased light integral in LD. It was also confirmed that a distinct vernalisation-type advancement of flowering took place when small, non-dormant plants were exposed to additional chilling at 6 degrees C for several weeks. At low temperatures, a large proportion of the lateral buds were dormant, so that, at 12 degrees C, the plants actually flowered only at their tips. Dissections also revealed that the dormant buds had initiated flowers; but, because of their dormant state, they needed several weeks of chilling before they could flower (biennial-fruiting behaviour). Both types of buds were initiated by the same environmental conditions. Practical applications of the findings are suggested.

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Environmental control of flowering and runnering in three contrasting Fragaria chiloensis populations with geographic origins in Alaska, Oregon, and Chile have been studied under controlled environment conditions. All populations were principal short-day (SD) plants at intermediate temperatures (15 degrees C or 21 degrees C), while at low temperature (9 degrees C) the 'Alaska' and 'Chile' populations were essentially day neutral. However, the populations had contrasting temperature responses for flowering in SD at both constant and fluctuating day/night temperatures. At a day temperature of 18 degrees C, flowering increased with increasing night temperature from 9 degrees C to 21 degrees C in the 'Alaska' population, while the opposite trend was observed in the 'Chile' population. The sparsely flowering 'Oregon' population flowered only in SD within a narrow range of temperatures (15-18 degrees C). Photoperiod (10, 16, or 20 h) had no effect on flower development at 18 degrees C. All populations were runnering freely, but with different temperature and photoperiod modifications. It is concluded that the SD X temperature interaction in the flowering behaviour of the June-bearing cultivated strawberry, F. X ananassa, is inherited to a large extent from F. chiloensis, whereas the species does not appear to have contributed to the long-day (LD) flowering control in everbearing cultivars.