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I denne rapporten presenteres resultater fra biologisk veiledningsprøving av ugrasmidler i grasmark, engsvingelfrøeng, vår- og høstkorn, såløk, gulrot under plast og på friland, knollselleri, pastinakk, rotpersille og bønne.

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Det er per i dag påvist resistens eller nedsatt følsomhet mot kjemiske plantevernmidler hos flere skadedyr, plantepatogener og ugras i norske jord- og hagebrukskulturer. Hos skadedyr er resistens mot pyretroider og nedsatt følsomhet for tiakloprid vanlig hos rapsglansbille i oljevekster. Resistens mot pyretroider er påvist hos ferskenbladlus og potetsikade fra potet, gulrotsuger fra gulrot, ferskenbladlus fra persille, kålmøll og ferskenbladlus fra kålvekster, jordbærsnutebille fra jordbær, og ferskenbladlus, bomullsmellus, veksthusmellus og sør-amerikansk minerflue fra veksthus. Det er også funnet resistens mot pirimikarb hos ferskenbladlus og nedsatt følsomhet for imidakloprid hos ferskenbladlus og bomullsmellus. I jordbær og bringebær er det indikasjoner på begynnende resistensutvikling mot flere av middmidlene. Hos plantepatogener er resistens mot QoI-fungicider påvist hos gråskimmel fra jordbær, bringebær og gran i skogplanteskoler, hos mjøldoggsopper i jordbær og veksthusagurk, og hos bladflekksopper i hvete. Resistens mot triazoler er funnet i flere bladflekksopper i hvete. Resistens mot hydroksyanilid- og SDHI-er utbredt hos gråskimmel fra jordbær og bringebær, og i skogplanteskoler er det påvist resistens mot tiofanater.....

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Herbivorous insects use olfactory cues to locate their host plant within a complex olfactory landscape. One such example is the European grapevine moth Lobesia botrana, a key pest of the grape in the Palearctic region, which recently expanded both its geographical and host plant range. Previous studies have showed that a synthetic blend of the three terpenoids, (E)-β-caryophyllene, (E)-β-farnesene and (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene (DMNT), was as attractive for the moth as the complete grape odour profile in laboratory conditions. The same studies also showed that the specific ratio of these compounds in the grape bouquet was crucial because a percentage variation in any of the three volatiles resulted in almost complete inhibition of the blend's attractiveness. Here, we report on the creation of stable grapevine transgenic lines, with modified (E)-β-caryophyllene and (E)-β-farnesene emission and thus with an altered ratio compared to the original plants. When headspace collections from these plants were tested in wind tunnel behavioural assays, they were less attractive than control extracts. This result was confirmed by testing synthetic blends imitating the ratio found on natural and transformed plants, as well as by testing the plants themselves. With this evidence, we suggest that a strategy based on volatile ratio modification may also interfere with the host-finding behaviour of L. botrana in the field, creating avenues for new pest control methods.


In nature plant terpenoids play multiple ecological roles. Many phytophagous insects use them as kairomones to locate their host plants. This is also the case for Lobesia botrana, which is the main pest of European vineyards. It was found that a specific blend of the terpenoids (E)-β-caryophyllene, (E)-β-farnesene and the homoterpene (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene emitted by grapevine was attractive to L. botrana females, and the attractiveness was shown to be dependent on the kairomone ratio. In this work, we generated stable grapevine transgenic lines with altered (E)-β-caryophyllene and (E)-β-farnesene emission compared to natural plants. Thus, we modified the ratio between these two kairomones in vivo, and tested how it affected L. botrana behaviour.