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Siden 1980 har Norsk institutt for skogforskning overvåket bestanden av granbarkbiller ved hjelp av feller med feromoner. Registreringen skjer i samarbeid med skogbruksetaten i 10 fylker og kommuner i Sør-Norge og Trøndelag. Resultatene for 2000 i Sør-Norge viser at det stort sett er nedgang i fangstene, og i alle fylkene er trenden enten nedadgående eller stabil. Fangsttallene er likevel høye i enkelte kommuner. I Trøndelag er fangstene relativt små. Det er grunn til å tro at uvanlig kjølige forsomre de senere årene har virket negativt på billebestanden, etter som temperaturen bare leilighetsvis har overskredet det nivået som er nødvendig for billenes flukt (ca. 20°C). Tross denne relativt gunstige situasjonen er det grunn til å legge vekt på god skoghygiene, også der hvor fangstene er små i år.


Insect species in 20 families of Diptera were collected by an equal number of interception traps in spruce forests of different management practice:young regrowth 5-10 years after logging and replantingmanaged old-growth forestgap opening of old-growth forest with plenty of even-aged dead wooda shady remnant biotope of uncultivated old-growth forest with plenty of dead wood in various levels of decay. Forest cultivation seems to favour saprophagous generalists on behalf of the specialised fungal fauna. The species in mycorrhizal fungi were clearly reduced in young regrowth, while species in wood-inhabiting fungi were most diverse in the remnant biotope with a heterogeneous composition of dead wood.The abundance of saprophagous generalists was significantly increased in the managed forest variants (young regrowth and managed old-growth forest). More studies are necessary to evaluate how the shift in decomposer fauna influence nutrient cycling and other ecosystem processes in forests.

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The beetle fauna of 299 sporocarps of the bracket fungus Fomitopsis pinicola in a 200 ha spruce forest in southeastern Norway was investigated in relation to sporocarp, tree and forest variables. The sporocarps contained 36 species of beetles, of which six species are on the Norwegian Red List. Of 12,373 individual beetles collected, 91 % were Cis glabratus. Plots of species accumulation curves suggested that there may be more than 60 beetle species present in F. pinicola in the area, but that probably all the specialist Ciidae were found. The major factor influencing beetle diversity turned out to be the level of dead wood at and in the vicinity of the sampling site, with a higher number of species per unit volume of sporocarps in areas with high levels of dead wood. There were also significantly more red-listed species in those areas. Analysing the species occurrence with stepwise logistic regression, we show preferential habitat selection of the six most abundant species of Ciidae. Conservation of beetles associated with bracket fungi using amount of dead wood as a surrogate measurement is discussed.


En undersøkelse som Planteforsk Plantevernet har gjort for Landbrukstilsynet viser at det er til dels store mengder amerikansk blomstertrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) i norske veksthus. Over 80% av de undersøkte bedriftene var infisert. Situasjonen er ute av kontroll, og det må aksjoneres omgående. Det finnes ikke noe enkelt tiltak for å bli kvitt amerikansk blomstertrips (ABT). Tripsen er resistent mot flere plantevernmidler og få midler er tilgengelig på det norske markedet. På kort sikt må det første trinnet være kjemisk bekjempelse for å få ned tripsbestandene og redusere spredningen. På lang sikt må kampen mot ABT drives på bred front. Det er svært viktig med nøye overvåking av kulturen og med forebyggende tiltak. Man må benytte gule limfeller; ved mer enn to ABT per felle må man sette i gang tiltak. Biologisk kontroll bør brukes så mye som mulig, helst forebyggende. Reingjøring og brakking av veksthus er meget aktuelt for å hindre oppformering og for å bryte resistensutviklingen.


Brassiceye traps baited with ethylisothiocyanate were modified and used to collect live adults of Delia radicum (L.) and Delia floralis (Fallén) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) from the field to observe the prevalence of Entomophthora muscae (Cohn) Fresenius and Strongwellsea castrans Batko & Weiser. The traps were highly effective and selective for D. radicum and D. floralis. Of the flies identified, 98.4% in 1996 and 93.7% in 1997 were either D. radicum or D. floralis. In 1997 the maximum mean catch was as high as 82 flies per trap per day, and more than 80% of these were females. During both seasons E. muscae caused relatively high levels of mortality in adult populations of D. radicum and D. floralis. The fungus caused a total infection level of 17.9% in 1996 and 47.7% in 1997 with infection peaks of 82.4% in 1996 and 87.5% in 1997. Both years, a significant positive correlation was found between E. muscae prevalence and temperature. One infection peak was observed for S. castrans in 1996, and during that season the total S. castrans infection level was 18.0%. In 1997, the total S. castrans infection level was as low as 8.1%. There is no strong indication that the prevalence of E. muscae or S. castrans differs between either the fly species or sexes within species.