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Thrips were collected from dead aspens (Populus tremula) using trunk-window traps at two forest areas in Eastern Finland during 2001 and 2002. We collected 156 individuals of 23 species (15 Terebrantia; 8 Tubulifera). Four of the species " all Tubulifera " were previously unknown from Finland, and two unknown from Fennoscandia, indicating that the thrips fauna of this area is poorly known. Three of these species, Hoplothrips carpathicus Pelikán, Liophloeothrips glaber Priesner and L. hungaricus (Priesner) are fungivores,while Lispothrips crassipes (Jablonowski) is an arboreal herbivore. The species assemblages of the study areas are compared and a list presented of all species collected.


Denne undersøkelsen har som målsetning å finne klarere kriterier om det skal harves, når det skal harves, hvordan harva skal stilles inn og hvilke harvtyper og tindetyper som er optimale på forskjellige jordtyper. Videre skal en se på hvordan underkultuyr kan tilpasses ugrasharving. Resultatene første år er interessante, men det er for tidlig å trekke konklusjoner.


Apple fruit moth, Argyresthia conjugella, males responded strongest to synthetic pheromone between 4:30 and 7:30 hr in the morning. The activity was positively correlated to temperature. A. conjugella females had a peak in oviposition activity between 23:30 and 02:00 hr. During this period light intensity was less than 50 lux. A significant negative regression between the number of egg-laying females abd average light intensity was found.

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Redusert jordarbeiding til høstkorn er lite utbredt i Norge. Forsøk viser imidlertid at det er fullt mulig å få dette til. Håndtering av fersk halm stiller imidlertid krav til utstyret som skal benyttes. Ved direktesåing bør halmen fjernes først. Ugras er ofte også et noe større problem ved redusert jordarbeiding enn ved pløying, særlig grasugras.



En rekke skadedyrarter kan være et problem i planteskoler, fordi det produseres mange forskjellige kulturer i veksthus og på friland, samt at det importeres og omsettes store mengder plantemateriale. I de to første artiklene (del I og II) som ble utgitt i Gartneryrket nr. 7 og 8 i 2003 beskrives ulike bekjempelsestiltak mot midd, bladlus, mellus, skjoldlus, sikader, teger og trips på prydplanter i norske planteskoler. Denne artikkelen omfatter bekjempelse av biller, minerfluer, bladveps og sommerfugler.


The searching efficiency of Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and the control efficiency of E. formosa and Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner (Hemiptera: Miridae) were studied on the hairy poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd.ex Koltz.) cultivar `Lilo" (2030 hairs/cm2, hair length 18.0 mm) and the less hairy cultivar `Sonora" (449 hairs/cm2, hair length 11.8 mm) at 18 - 21oC, in order to evaluate their potential as biological control agents in greenhouse poinsettia production. Inexperienced (less than 24 hours old) E. formosa (EN-STRIP, Koppert B.V.) were observed individually for 7 minutes on poinsettia leaves without whiteflies, using the automatic video tracking system for behavioural studies, EthoVision Color Pro. Their walking speed, walking activity and walking pattern were not influenced by the leaf hairiness. When the temperature was lowered from 20 to 18oC, the mean walking speed decreased by 15%, from 0.52 to 0.44 mm/sec on `Lilo" and from 0.51 to 0.43 mm/sec on `Sonora". The mean walking activity was 89% on `Lilo" and 88% on `Sonora" at 20oC, and was decreased by 6 and 13%, respectively, at 18oC. Temperature did not influence the straightness of the walking path. The control efficiency of E. formosa and M. caliginosus (MIRICAL, Koppert B.V.) was studied on `Lilo" and `Sonora" infested with Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) B biotype in 2 cage experiments at 21oC, and is currently being studied at lower temperatures. E. formosa was introduced when the first whitefly nymphs had reached the 3rd instar, and was released weekly 3 times at a total rate of 4.2 parasitoids/adult whitefly. M. caliginosus was introduced when the first whitefly nymphs had reached the 1st instar, and was released every 2 weeks 3 times at a total rate of 1.5 predatory bugs/adult whitefly. One tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum `Xanthi") was placed in each of the cages where M. caliginosus was released. The control efficiency (measured as % reduction of number of immature whiteflies compared to the control when the plants were ready for sale) ranged from 63 to 93% for E. formosa and from 64 to 82% for M. caliginosus. E. formosa gave slightly better control than M. caliginosus on `Sonora", and in one of the experiments with `Lilo". The parasitoids were more efficient, and the parasitism was higher, on `Sonora" than on `Lilo". No damage to green leaves or bracts has been observed on the plants where M. caliginosus was released.


- Insect pathogenic fungi are important naturally occurring mortality factors of pest insects and mites. - Few studies have been made on natural occurrence of insect pathogenic fungi and the effect of management system in Central America. - One study from Norway confirms that management system (organic compared to conventional) is important to the occurrence and prevalence of insect pathogenic fungi in soil in arable fields. - Another study from Norway indicates the importance of pesticide use on the killing capacity of the mite pathogenic fungi N. floridana to T. urticae. - A master study from Nicaragua showed a higher B. bassiana infection level in L. coffeella with increasing shading. More studies are, however, needed to confirm this trend. - In a PhD project at CATIE Nicaragua, naturally occurring insect pathogenic fungi on key coffee pests and the effect of crop management practices on these fungi is under study. - An ongoing master study will reveal the occurrence of insect pathogenic fungi in soil from different coffee growing systems in Nicaragua and Costa Rica.