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This Technical brief is a short summary of the results obtained from the field trials conducted at Agro Climate Research Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India to understand the Pest dynamics at elevated temperature. Among the major food crops, rice (Oryza sativa L.) forms the stable food for more than half of the world’s population. Among various constrains in rice production, losses due to pest is a major concern. Climate change resulting in increased temperature could impact crop insect pest populations in several complex ways. Although some climate change temperature effects might tend to depress insect populations, most researchers seem to agree that warmer temperatures in temperate climates will result in more types and higher populations of insects. Hence, it is important to understand the population growth of the important insect pests such as yellow stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas) and brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) of rice. The results revealed that there was an inverse correlation between temperature and total life span, developmental time and also fecundity. However there was a positive correlation between temperature and net reproductive rate and development rate.

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This Technical brief is a short summary of the results obtained from the field trials conducted at Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute, Trichy, India during Rabi (2010-2011) to evaluate the role of photosynthetic diazotrophs in reducing methane flux from rice soil ecosystem as a part of climarice project. Global warming induced by increasing concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere is a matter of great environmental concern. Methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbon are the GHGs which have strong infrared absorption bands and trap part of the thermal radiation from the earth surface. Rice fields have to be considered as a significant source of greenhouse gases and rice field eco systems account for about 60 Tg methane per year or about 12 per cent of the global annual methane emission. The purpose of this study is to explore the potential of blue green algae and azolla in minimizing methane flux at source in paddy field ecosystem. In the present study, combined application of organics and blue green algae not only recorded higher yield, but also found to emit less methane in paddy cultivation than the application of organics alone.

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Farmers attempt to develop a different environment for rice under System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method by which the rice plants can exhibit their full potential. Major principles of SRI includes perfect land levelling, lower seed rate, transplanting young seedlings of 12 days old, single seedling / hill with wider spacing (25 x 25 cm), careful water management (applying a minimum of water during vegetative growth and at later stages maintaining only one inch water) and weed management using cono weeder thrice in the vegetative stage. Researchers and farmers’ experience in the Cauvery basin in Tamil Nadu from ClimaRice have shown that yields of rice could be increased considerably (18–27%) with reduced water consumption (22- 25%) and less expenditure, just by following SRI method of cultivation. Thus it is beneficial for small and marginal farmers under changing climatic conditions.

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Rapporten gir resultater fra overvåkingen av Vansjø, fem innsjøer oppstrøms i nedbørfeltet, tilførselselver til Storefjorden og tilførselsbekker til vestre Vansjø i perioden oktober 2010 – oktober 2011. Rapporten inneholder oversikter over gjennomsnittskonsentrasjoner i bekker, elver og innsjøer, tilførselsberegninger til Vansjø, Sæbyvannet og Mjær, samt trendanalyser for stasjoner hvor det finnes data tilbake i tid. Et fosforbudsjett er også beregnet for vassdraget. Det er utarbeidet et faktaark som oppsummerer undersøkelsene; dette er lagt inn bakerst i rapporten som et utvidet sammendrag.