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The final chapter in the book summarizes the main messages from the preceding chapters. It analyses the diverse views of the bioeconomy concept and supports the view that sustainable bioeconomy development has the potential to change the way we produce and consume natural resources while reducing the negative impacts on the environment. However, there are always risks associated with any new paradigm, hence, it is necessary to ensure transparency in the process, consider the interests of the most vulnerable groups and introduce genuine stakeholder management from the start. Whether, and to what extent, bioeconomy can contribute to the SDGs is a debatable issue. However, several case studies in the book do support the idea that bioeconomy can help in achieving several SDGs. The chapter also highlights the importance of sustainability indicators, including ecological (i.e., the local ecological footprint, total organic carbon, soil nitrogen, transport of minerals from land to rivers and oceans and other ecosystem services), economic and social sustainability indices in the context of bioeconomy development. Their measurement and monitoring are essential to ensure that we are on the sustainable development path. The chapter suggests possible measures to overcome constraints or risks associated with bioeconomy and proposes the necessary conditions required for sustainable bioeconomy development.


This chapter focuses on ocean-land interactions and the potential for bioeconomy that offers unique opportunities to feed the increasing human population. Oceans can provide a circular bioeconomy by using increased CO2, and dissolved nutrients (P, N, Fe and other elements) in the water, leached from land-based activities. Estimates show that CO2 capture by seaweed cultivation alone can range from 1,500 to 3,000 tons per square kilometre. Ocean photosynthetic production provides more food and energy for human consumption without external inputs. This will contribute to sustainable development by providing food security and will aid the recovery of degraded ecosystems, thus directly contributing to the SDG 2 (reducing hunger) and SDG 14 (protecting life below water). Nevertheless, increasing food production from the oceans has its associated risks if the proper conditions are not met. Hence, proper coastal land use management is important as it continuously affects the nutrient flows, which in turn can lead to more serious changes in carbonate chemistry and ocean acidification. Genuine and stable partnerships, therefore, are necessary to share responsibility for environmental stewardship and to manage marine and coastal ecosystems sustainably. The chapter suggests the need for financial incentives to encourage research and innovations, support farmers associations and establish common platforms to share data and knowledge on oceans for better environmental management.


This chapter provides a comprehensive literature review of sustainable bioeconomy development, with a focus on the definition, concepts, potential and risks involved. Countries differ on how they view bioeconomy, with some putting emphasis on sustainability and ecosystem services, while others focus on economic growth as the main goal. The literature review shows that bioeconomy is a rather new concept, at times its goals are conflicting, and its objectives are opposing. Hence, the lack of a common bioeconomy agenda and understanding across the globe will be one of the main constraints to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, bioeconomy brings the sustainable development discussions back onto the policy agenda, at both the national and international levels. There are sceptics who do not support this argument and claim that bioeconomy and SDGs do not go together and this is the agenda set by some industrialized countries and the corporate sector to suit their own interests. As the impacts of bioeconomy spread beyond country borders, a common agenda is necessary to keep the balance between the economic, environmental and social objectives. Experience of bioeconomy so far is limited and hence future development must be based on the strictly responsible, accountable and sustainable use of natural resources.

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In the future, the world is expected to rely increasingly on renewable biomass resources for food, fodder, fibre and fuel. The sustainability of this transition to bioeconomy for our water systems depends to a large extent on how we manage our land resources. Changes in land use together with climate change will affect water quantity and quality, which again will have implications for the ecosystem services provided by water resources. These are the main topics of this Ambio special issue on ‘‘Environmental effects of a green bio-economy’’. This paper offers a summary of the eleven papers included in this issue and, at the same time, outlines an approach to quantify and mitigate the impacts of bioeconomy on water resources and their ecosystem services, with indications of useful tools and knowledge needs.

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Reference conditions of water bodies are defined as the natural or minimal anthropogenically disturbed state. We compared the methods for determining total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations in rivers in Finland, Norway and Sweden as well as the established reference conditions and evaluated the possibility for transfer and harmonisation of methods. We found that both methods and values differed, especially for lowland rivers with a high proportion of agriculture in the catchment. Since Denmark has not yet set reference conditions for rivers, two of the Nordic methods were tested for Danish conditions. We conclude that some of the established methods are promising but that further development is required. We moreover argue that harmonisation of reference conditions is needed to obtain common benchmarks for assessing the impacts of current and future land use changes on water quality.

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Etter oppdrag fra Statens Vegvesen har NIBIO gjennomført forundersøkelser i vannforekomster som kan bli påvirket av anleggsaktivitet i forbindelse med utbygging av ny E16 på strekningen Bjørum - Skaret i Bærum og Hole kommune. I 2019 ble det tatt kvartalsvise vannprøver i Isielva og Rustanbekken i Sandviksvassdraget, samt i Nordlandsbekken, Damtjernbekken og Vefsrudbekken som drenerer til Holsfjorden. Det ble samlet inn prøver av bunndyr og begroingsalger i alle bekkene, samt utført fiskeundersøkelser....

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Etter oppdrag fra Statens vegvesen har NIBIO i samarbeid med Naturplan utført forundersøkelser av fiskebestander i vassdrag som kan påvirkes av anleggsaktivitet i forbindelse med utbyggingen av E16 på strekningen Bjørum - Skaret. Gjentatt overfiske med elektrisk fiskeapparat ble utført høsten 2019 på til sammen fem stasjoner i Rustanbekken, Damtjernbekken, Vefsrudbekken og Nordlandsbekken i Bærum og Hole kommuner. I Rustanbekken var samlet beregnet tetthet av laks og ørret 89 fisk/100 m2 ved RUS1. Tettheten var lavere enn i 2018. Det ble påvist ørret i både Vefsrudbekken og Damtjernbekken nederst ved Holsfjorden. Det ble ikke påvist fisk i Nordlandsbekken.

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Etter oppdrag fra Statens vegvesen og prosjektet E18 Lysaker-Ramstadsletta har NIBIO utarbeidet et overvåkingsprogram for resipienter og anleggsvann. Overvåkingsprogrammet er utarbeidet med bakgrunn i gjennomførte forundersøkelser av vassdrag og marine resipienter og i henhold til normale krav til overvåking ved bygging og drift av ny veg. Kravene gitt i tslippstillatelsen fra Fylkesmannen er innarbeidet og ivaretatt, og det samme gjelder normale krav til påslipp på spillvannsnettet der VEAS og kommunen er påslippsmyndighet.

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I forbindelse med bygging av ny Rv.4 på strekningen Roa-Gran har NIBIO på oppdrag fra Statens Vegvesen gjennomført forundersøkelser i vassdrag som kan påvirkes av anleggsaktivitet. Det har blitt tatt kvartalsvise vannprøver ved til sammen 7 prøvepunkter i 5 bekker. Tilstanden i vassdragene vurderes som dårlig og moderat med hensyn på næringsstoffer. Det var derimot lave konsentrasjoner av metaller, olje og PAH, alle disse parametrene var innenfor tilstandsklasse «god».

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I forbindelse med vegutbyggingen av Rv 4 på strekningen Gran-Jaren har NIBIO på oppdrag fra Statens vegvesen Region øst gjort etterundersøkelser av vannkjemi i berørte resipienter og i grunnvannsbrønner tilknyttet et masselager med svartskifer. For å unngå sur avrenning og metallmobilisering ved forvitring og oksidasjon av alunskifer ble massene lagret i et oksygenfritt (reduserende) miljø.