AP 3: Mikroplast og andre uønskede elementer

(Foto: Erik J. Joner)
I arbeidspakke 3 har vi arbeidet med å utvikle en analytisk metode for å identifisere og kvantifisere ulike plastpolymerer i organiske avfallsressurser. Dette vil muliggjøre en rekke undersøkelser om bærekraftig avfallsbehandling og kvalitetsvurdering, samt undersøkelser om transport av og risikoer ved mikroplast og assosierte miljøgifter i terrestriske miljøer.
Ett av våre hovedfokus i AP 3 har vært å identifisere og kvantifisere mikroplast i organiske avfallsressurser. I tillegg har de avfallsbaserte gjødselproduktene brukt i AP 2 blitt analysert for en rekke relevante veterinære legemiddelrester. Et annet hovedfokus i AP 3 har vært å studere skjebne og risiko fra mikroplast og andre uønskede stoffer i jord og organiske gjødselprodukter



Claire Coutris
Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser
(+47) 954 28 281 claire.coutris@nibio.no Kontorsted: Ås - Bygg H7

Andre prosjekter
Se også prosjektet DGRADE (Norges Forskningsråd) om bionedbrytbar plast i jord og avfallsstrømmer
Se også prosjektet PacKnoPlast (Norges Forskningsråd, BAMA) om mikroplast i biorest


Claire Coutris
Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser
(+47) 954 28 281 claire.coutris@nibio.no Kontorsted: Ås - Bygg H7

Claire CoutrisAbstract
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Tire wear particles (TWP) are a major source of microplastics that are mainly transported by stormwater from roads to the environment. Their risk has not yet been sufficiently evaluated, mainly because of the lack of suitable analytical methods for identifying and measuring their environmental concentrations. Moreover, TWP are persistent in the environment while their generation is increasing, which calls for action to limit their environmental spread. Conversely, stormwater management solutions are becoming a growing fixture in the road environment for their multipurpose role in controlling peak runoff and reducing pollution. However, knowledge of the effect of stormwater management solutions in removing TWP is limited. The overall goal of this Ph.D. study was to introduce a suitable analytical method for detecting and quantifying TWP in the environment and measuring the actual concentrations of TWP in sediments of stormwater management solutions associated with roads. Three study sites and laboratory experiments were used as data sources for the studies included in this thesis (Papers I–IV). Simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to analyze the samples, and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) was used for data analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and t-tests were used for statistical analysis.
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Bioretention cells are popular stormwater management systems for controlling peak runoff and improving runoff water quality. A case study on a functional large-scale bioretention cell and a laboratory column experiment was conducted to evaluate the concentrations and retention efficiency of bioretention cells towards tire wear particles (TWP). The presence of TWP was observed in all soil fractions (<50 µm, 50–100 µm, 100–500 µm, and >500 µm) of the functional bioretention cell. TWP concentrations were higher (30.9 ± 4.1 mg/g) close to the inlet to the bioretention cell than 5 m away (19.8 ± 2.4 mg/g), demonstrating the influence of the bioretention cell design. The column experiment showed a high retention efficiency of TWP (99.6 ± 0.5%) in engineered soil consisting of sand, silty-sand, and garden waste compost. This study confirmed that bioretention cells built with engineered soil effectively retained TWP > 25 µm in size, demonstrating their potential as control measures along roads.
Motorsport is known for its high tire wear due to speed, cornering, and high acceleration/deceleration activities. However, studies on the generation of microplastics from racetracks are rare. This study aimed at quantifying microplastics concentrations in topsoil (0–5 cm) along a racetrack. The results showed that rubber materials (RM) and tire reinforcement microplastics (TRMP) were deposited in the soil along the racetrack. Concentrations of the two microplastics were affected by the distance from the edge of the racetrack (highest concentrations within 20 cm from the track) and track alignment (highest concentrations at the start/finish area). In addition, a weak correlation was observed between the concentrations of the two microplastics, suggesting the effect of track alignment on the type of microplastics abraded. The results also showed that coarser microplastics (1000–5000 μm) dominate the size distribution of microplastics along a racetrack. The findings of this study may provide racetrack managers with basic information for designing microplastic-controlling solutions. While additional studies are required to map environmental effects and policy measures, our initial results suggest that motorsport is of concern in terms of microplastics release to the environment.
While tire wear and tear is known to be a major source of microplastics in the environment, its monitoring is still hampered by the lack of analytical methods able to provide concentrations in environmental matrices. Tirewear particles (TWP) present in road runoff enter the drainage system through gully pots, built to prevent sediment deposition in the drainage system, and eventually protect downstream receiving waters. The aim of this study was to detect and quantify TWP in gully pot sediments, by using a novel method combining Simultaneous Thermal Analysis (STA), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC). The method was applied to samples from five sites in Southern Norway, characterized by different traffic densities and patterns. The method involved no sample pretreatment, the whole sediment samplewas submitted to thermal decomposition in STA, and gases generated during pyrolysis were continuously transferred to FTIR. The FTIR data were arranged in a trilinearmulti-way dataset (samples × IR spectra wavenumber × pyrolysis temperature) and then analyzed by PARAFAC. The results showed that TWP concentrations in gully pots varied greatly across sites, ranging frombelow1 mgTWP/g sediment in streetswith the lowest traffic densities, to 150 mgTWP/g sediment at themost trafficked study site. The results also indicated that other traffic conditions, such as driving patterns influence TWP concentrations. Finally, by enabling quantification of TWP in gully pot sediments, the approach presented here supports environmental monitoring of TWP and safe disposal of gully pot sediments, which is critical for environmental pollution management.
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Mikroplast hoper seg opp i matjord. Ingen vet hvor mye det er av den, og det finnes ikke teknologi som kan stoppe den helt. Forsker Claire Coutris på Nibio har sett på forskning på plast over hele verden. Plasten i havet har fått mye oppmerksomhet, men problemet er stort i matjord, også. Siden 1950-tallet er det produsert 8,3 milliarder tonn plast i verden. Mesteparten av den har havnet enten i naturen eller på fyllinga. Mikroplasten – partikler som er mindre enn fem millimeter store – kommer i jorda blant annet når bonden gjødsler. Når matavfall blir til biogass, så blir det igjen det som kalles «biorest». Den kan brukes som god og næringsrik gjødsel. Anleggene bruker separasjonsteknologi for å ta ut fremmedelementer i matavfallet, som glass, plast og metall. Likevel skjer det at mindre plastfragmenter fra matemballasje og annen feilsortert søppel følger med i bioresten.
Resirkulering av organisk avfall er et prioritert tema innen sektorene landbruk, klima og avfall, og skal bidra til at organisk materiale og næringsstoffer føres tilbake til jord. Dette kan motvirke en langsiktig trend der moldinnholdet i matjorda gradvis blir lavere, noe som ser ut til å bli et økende problem i forbindelse med klimaendringer og økende behov for mat. Tilbakeføring av næringsstoffene i organisk avfall skal på sin side bidra til å redusere behovet for mineralgjødsel, og dermed minske behovet for energikrevende gjødselproduksjon og uttømming av begrensete ressurser av mineralsk fosfat.
Claire CoutrisAbstract
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Vi har alle hørt om problemene plast i havet kan føre med seg. Men plast havner også i jord, blant annet via avløpsslam, biogjødsel og fra plastbruk i landbruket. Akkurat hvor mye plast det er snakk om, er imidlertid uvisst.
Vi har alle hørt om problemene plast i havet kan føre med seg. Men plast havner også i jord, blant annet via avløpsslam, biogjødsel og fra plastbruk i landbruket. Akkurat hvor mye plast det er snakk om er imidlertid uvisst.
Vi har alle hørt om problemene plast i havet kan føre med seg. Men plast havner også i jord, blant annet via avløpsslam, biogjødsel og fra plastbruk i landbruket. Akkurat hvor mye plast det er snakk om, er imidlertid uvisst.
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