Khaled Murad Agha
(+47) 450 50 152
Postvegen 213, NO-4353 Klepp stasjon
Ellen Elverland Frøydis Gillund Khaled Murad Agha Ievina Sturite Ragnhild Borchsenius Kaue de Sousa Victoria Hauge Andreassen Marit JørgensenSammendrag
Vi bor i et land med store variasjoner i klima og landskap, men nesten overalt dyrkes det grovfôr. Valg av plantemateriale må derfor tilpasses regionene de skal brukes i, og det er nødvendig med egne utprøvinger i ulike deler av landet. I dag gjennomføres slike praktiske forsøk på få steder, som oftest i større forsøksfelt, på forskningsstasjoner eller hos gårdbrukere. Dette kan gjøre testingen sårbar for feil og uforutsette hendelser. Derfor kan det være verdt å forsøke noe nytt.
With rising temperatures and shifting rainfall patterns driven by climate change, conditions for pathogen-plant interactions will be affected based on the specific pathogen and plant species involved. In general, increased pathogen activity is expected in Norwegian grasslands. Recent breeding efforts in Norway have concentrated primarily on developing varieties resistant to fungal diseases that cause winter damage. However, their resistance against other diseases may fall short, as they have not been targeted in the Norwegian breeding programme. As a result, a comprehensive evaluation of the current situation is essential. This ongoing project aims to identify foliar fungal species and disease distribution in breeding lines and varieties of four prominent meadow species: timothy, perennial ryegrass, meadow fescue and red clover. The study encompasses four locations in Norway, spanning from 60 to 69° N. Observations from the first season indicated relatively good resistance to both winter and growing season-related fungi in the investigated breeding material of timothy. The observations indicated that perennial ryegrass is more susceptible to winter diseases, whereas its resistance to growing-season diseases is relatively good. Conversely, meadow fescue and red clover displayed moderate susceptibility to fungal diseases during the growing season but demonstrated commendable resistance to overwintering fungi.
Khaled Murad AghaSammendrag
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