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In this investigation the roundwood cut during the 1979/80 logging year (August - July) is calculated for five forest owner groups. The investigation is based on interviews of 94 forest owners representing 1.36 mill. m3 of timber. (All volume measurements are based upon volume without bark). Owner Group 1 (forest properties with land) had an average roundwood cut of 913 m3 (Table 2). The logging season lasted on the average 12.5 weeks. For most of the properties the season for regeneration activities lasted less than one month. By the last week of December 49% of the total roundwood volume was cut (Fig. 7). The corresponding figures for February (week 7) and March (week 13) were 65 and 84% respectively. The average roundwood harvest by Owner Group 2 (landed properties) was 345 m3 (Table 2). For this group the logging season lasted on the average 11.1 weeks. Similar to group one the season for regeneration activities was less than one month. By the last week of December 23% of the total roundwood volume was cut (Fig. 8). The corresponding figures for February (week 7) and March (week 13) were 60 and 96% respectively. The average roundwood cut for Owner Group 3 (forest properties) was 1260 m3 (Table 2). The logging season lasted on the average 13.2 weeks, and for most of the owners the regeneration activities lasted less than one month. By the last week of December 35% of the total roundwood volume was cut (Fig. 9). The corresponding figures for February (week 7) and March (week 13) were 52 and 75 % respectively. The roundwood cut for Owner Group 4 (forest properties owned by forest industry) was 80926 m3 per property (Table 2). For this group the logging season lasted 46.8 weeks. Unlike the first three groups, the season for regeneration activities lasted more than two months. By the last week of December 42% of the total roundwood volume was cut (Fig. 10). The corresponding figures for February (week 7) and March (week 13) were 60 and 75 % respectively. Concerning the properties of Owner Group 5 (forest properties owned by public authorities) the average roundwood cut was 19667 m3 (Table 2), the logging season was average 40.6 weeks and regeneration activities lasted more than two months. By the last week of December 27% of the total roundwood volume was cut (Fig. 11). The corresponding figures for February (week 7) and March (week 13) were 44 and 63 % respectively. The total roundwood cut for the five groups was 1.36 mill. m3. By the last week of December 36% of the total roundwood volume was cut (Fig. 12). The corresponding figures for February (week 7) and March (week 13) were 54 and 71% respectively. For all the owner groups timber was transported immediately after the cutting. Relatively small volume was stored in the forest at any time (Figs. 7 - 12).


Effects of growth medium physical conditions were studied. Peat and two series of peat mixed with hydrophobic mineral wool or perlite in three mixing ratios were prepared. Growth media porosities were characterized by the standardized time method and seedling development by measurements of stem length and fresh and dry weight.Seedlings grown in media containing mineral wool showed less mortality, were larger and had more living root apices than seedlings in media lacking mineral wool. Growth media influenced most the stem length and dry weights and was best at higher porosity. The difference between mineral wool and perlite amendments was greater for dry weight than stem length, although the effect of mixing ratio was observed for mineral wool only.The media induced qualitative differences in shoots (foliage spiralling) and roots (branching, number of living root apices, lenticel intumescence).

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I dette arbeidet omtales syv treslag som nå er blant de mest aktuelle artene til bruk i juletre- og pyntegrøntproduksjonen. Disse er Abies nordmanniana, A. procera, A. lasiocarpa, A. amabilis, A. veitchii, Picea engelmannii og P. omorika. For hver av artene presenteres det naturlige utbredelsesområdet illustrert med en kartskisse. Også vekstforholdene i disse områdene blir omtalt. Erfaringer man har med artene fra forsøk og andre typer plantninger her i Norge eller i Norden refereres, herunder valg av mulige provenienser. Med utgangspunkt i inndelingen av Norge i frøsankeområder for de hjemlige skogstrærne, er det laget en anbefaling om i hvilke områder av landet de aktuelle artene og provenienser av disse bør kunne brukes. Frøforsyningen av disse treslagene diskuteres, særlig med vekt på om det er tilgang til frø fra de deler av artenes utbredelsesområder som må antas å være de beste til norske vekstforhold. Til slutt nevnes en stikkordsmessig foredlingsstrategi.