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Conidia germination of the root pathogen fungi Fusarium sp. and Cylindrocarpon sp. were followed for up to 96 hours in the presence of border cells from newly germinated Norway spruce. The border cells stimulated the conidium germination of both fungi. We postulate that this may be a part of the defence mechanism of Norway spruce against pathogens. The stimulating agent is unknown The stimulating effect was not seen when border cells originated from plants grown in the presence of aluminium


Artikkelen omhandlar arbeid som er gjort for å finna smitte av Colletotrichum i danske surkirsebærfelt og arbeid vidare framover om Colletotrichum i Norden.


Alternativer til kjemiske beisemidler ble utprøvd mot frøoverført byggbrunflekk(Drechslera teres) og havrebrunflekk (Drechslera avenae) i 2005. Frø med naturlig smitte av patogenene ble beiset med ulike konsentrasjoner av eddik, Inulex (ekstrakt av planten Inula viscosae) samt Terra Biosa (fermenterte urter). Effekten av disse midlene ble sammenlignet med effekten av godkjent kjemisk beisemiddel og med Cedomon (basert på bakterien Pseudomonas chlororaphis) som også er godkjent til bruk i økologisk såvare. Midlene ble testet i felt og analysert på såvarelaboratoriet Kimen. Både Inulex og eddik (25 og 35%) hadde effekt mot byggbrunflekk, mens effekten mot havrebrunflekk var dårligere. Mot byggbrunflekk var effekten av eddik ofte like god som effekten av Cedomon. Begge eddik-konsentrasjoner hadde effekt mot soppen, men høyeste konsentrasjon hadde tendens til å virke hemmende på oppspiring.


The occurrence of Fusarium (represented by Fusarium spp. and Microdochium nivale) has been recorded in barley, oats and spring wheat seeds in Norway since the 1970-ies as part of the seed quality assessment. Annually a large number of samples representing both certified and farm saved seed from all cereal growing areas, was tested (100 or 200 seeds from each sample) at the Seed Testing Laboratory using the freezing blotter, the Doyer filter paper, and/or the agar plate (PDA) methods. In total, almost 30 000 samples of barley, more than 16 000 samples of oats and more than 9 000 samples of spring wheat were tested. The Fusarium frequencies were recorded in each sample, a mean of all samples was calculated each year for each cereal species, and multiple regressions with weather data from the growing season and also the Fusarium incidences in seed the previous year, were carried out. 69 % of the variation of the incidence of Fusarium in barley seeds was explained by 1) precipitation in July, 2) the incidence of Fusarium the previous year (both significant positive effects), and 3) precipitation in June, 4) temperature in July (both significant negative effects). In oat seed, precipitation in July and incidence of Fusarium the previous year explained 59 % of the variation. In spring wheat, as for barley and oats, precipitation in July and the incidence of Fusarium the previous year contributed positively, whereas precipitation in May and temperature in August had a negative effect.These four factors contributed significantly by 58% to the variation of Fusarium in spring wheat seed. It is concluded that the incidence of Fusarium in seed the previous year and precipitation in July were the main factors affecting the incidence of Fusarium in cereal seeds in Norway.