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Clonal plants of Leuzea charthamoides and Rhodiola rosea, and plants from a seed population of Serratula coronata, were grown in a phytotrone under controlled conditions at 9"C, 15"C, 21"C day/9"C night and 21"C. All these treatments had 24 hours of light (long day). In addition there was one treatment at 21"C with only 12 hours light (short day). Each treatment had 28, 36 and 40 individuals of Rhodiola, Leuzea and Serratula respectively. Plants were harvested after 4 months and plant height and number of leaves were recorded. Leaves of Serratula and roots of Leuzea and Rhodiola were dried and analyzed for adaptogenic compounds. Number of shoots and dry weight of roots of Rhodiola increased from 9"C to 15"C. Differentiated day and night temperature with a temperature sum of 15"C further increased the growth. The highest temperature, 21"C, produced the lowest number of shoots and the lowest dry weight of roots. The results indicate that the concentration of most of the analyzed adaptogenic compounds was not effected by temperature, while the levels of total rosavins were highest at 9"C. The temperature effect of plant height and dry weight of roots of Leuzea was comparable to the results of Rhodiola, but with a slightly better growth at 21"C. On the contrary, Serratula seems to prefer warmer temperatures and produced most leaves at 21"C. At 21"C, all three species preferred long days (24 h light) compared to short days (12 h light). The results of this experiment indicate that it might be an advantage to grow Rhodiola and Leuzea at low average temperatures, while Serratula should be grown at slightly warmer places, however, it must be remembered that the experiment is limited to certain clones of each species.


Clonal plants of Leuzea charthamoides and Rhodiola rosea and plants from one seedpopulation of Serratula coronata were grown at 5 different temperature treatments in a phytotrone. The treatments were 9, 15, 21 day/9 night and 21 degrees. All these treatments had 24 hours of light. In addition there was one treatment at 21 degrees with only 12 hours day. At 21 degrees the growth was reduced by short days for all species. Rhodiola grow best at low temperatures (9 degrees) and results indicate that it prefers differentiated day/night temperatures. On the contrary Serratula grows best at 21 degrees, and had a very slow growth at 9 degrees. The analysis of the level of adaptogens is not available yet.


Plant polyphenolics continue to be the focus of attention with regard to their putative impact on human health. An increasing and ageing human population means that the focus on nutrition and nutritional enhancement, or optimization of our foodstuffs, is paramount. Using raspberry as a model we have shown how modern metabolic profiling approaches can be used to identify the changes in the level of beneficial polyphenolics in fruit breeding segregating populations and how the level of these components are to what degree these are determined by genetic and/or environmental control. Interestingly, the Vitamin C content appeared to be significantly influenced by environment (growth conditions) whilst the content of the polyphenols such as cyanidin, pelargonidin and quercetin glycosides appeared to much more tightly regulated suggesting a rigorous genetic control. Preliminary metabolic profiling showed that the fruit polyphenolic profiles divided into two gross groups segregating on the basis of relative levels of cyanidin-3-sophoroside and cyaniding-3-rutinoside, compounds implicated as conferring human health benefits.

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Hovedmålet i prosjektet har vært å etablere dyrkingsfelt med molte for lønnsom produksjon. Det har vært med dyrkere fra Finnmark, Troms, Nordland og Nord-Trøndelag. Fiberduk har vært prøvd for å gi raskere etablering. Måling av grunnvannstanden viser at det er viktig å følge med denne etter som molte er avhengig av stabil vanntilgang for å gi god avling. Ut fra registreringer i pro-sjektet ser det ut til at småplanter gir sikrest etablering, men er dyrere enn rhizomer. Utlegging av ruter med foredlingsmateriale (kloner) hos dyrkerne med tanke på nye sorter av molte har gitt nyttig bidrag for vurdering av hvilke kloner det bør satses videre på. Utfordringene innen molte-dyrking er først og fremst at det tar 3-4 år før feltet begynner å gi avling og dermed mulighet for inntekt. Dessuten kan oppblomstring av uønska vegetasjon i bedene og tilfredsstillende overleving av småplanter og rhizomer være utfordringer.


Tannin-enriched extracts from raspberry, cloudberry and strawberry were analysed by liquid chromatography"mass spectrometric (LC"MS) techniques. The raspberry and cloudberry extracts contained a similar mixture of identifiable ellagitannin components and ellagic acid. However, the strawberry extract contained a complex mixture of ellagitannin and proanthocyanidin components that could not be adequately resolved to allow identification of individual peaks. Nevertheless, the negative ESI-MS spectra obtained by direct infusion mass spectrometric (DIMS) analysis described the diversity of these samples. For example, the predominance of signals associated with Lambertianin C in cloudberry and Sanguiin H6 in raspberry tannin extracts could be discerned and the diversity of signals from procyanidin and propelargonidin oligomers could be identified in the strawberry extract. The dose response for the main ellagitannin-derived signals in the raspberry tannin sample revealed a saturation effect probably due to ion suppression effects in the ion trap spectrometer. Nevertheless, DIMS spectra of whole berry extracts described qualitative differences in ellagitannin-derived peaks in raspberry, cloudberry and strawberry samples. In addition, positive mode DIMS spectra illustrated qualitative differences in the anthocyanin composition of berries of progeny from a raspberry breeding population that had been previously analysed by LC"MS. This suggests that DIMS could be applied to rapidly assess differences in polyphenol content, especially in large sample sets such as the progeny from breeding programmes.


Commercial strawberry production in Scandinavia started as early as the 1920s, with the cultivar `Abundance". Although the production area was about 1500 ha, the yield was very low (< 3 t ha-1). In the 1960s Scandinavia had a large increase in strawberry area and yield per hectare. The strong development of strawberry production came after the introduction of the cultivar `Senga Sengana", new growing techniques (black polyethylene mulch) and the release of new and more efficient fungi- and herbicides. Over the past 30 years, the yield and growing area has stabilized, although the number of strawberry growers has decreased strongly. Today, Scandinavia has a strawberry production of about 8500 ha, yielding about 75 000 tons of berries in a very short summer-season. Almost all strawberry growing is perennial production with single-cropping (SD) cultivars in open field, and the fields are normally kept for 3-5 years. The main strawberry cultivars grown today are `Korona", `Polka", `Honeoye", `Jonsok" and `Florence". The area of `Sonata" is increasing. While almost all strawberries up to the 1970s were picked and sold through a "pick-your-own" system, today, almost 95% is sold through wholesale dealers for fresh consumption, and only a small amount is frozen for processing. Since the mid 1990s, there has been a slow decrease in the strawberry production area in Scandinavia. This is due to an over-production of strawberries in a short, hectic season, giving very low prices. To avoid this, attempts are being made to extend the season, especially with row cover, plastic tunnels, stored plants and new cultivars (including everbearing cvs.). The growing area covered with polyethylene tunnels are now increasing in all the Scandinavian countries. The area of raspberry in Scandinavia was stable up to the 1990s, with a production of about 500 ha. The production was mainly for the processing industry with old Norwegian and Finnish cultivars. Since 1995, the raspberry area has doubled, and is still increasing. This came after introduction of the Scottish cultivar `Glen Ample", which has shifted the production from mainly for the processing industry, over to mainly for fresh consumption. This development was started in Norway, and the other Scandinavian countries are following up. Introduction of `Glen Ample" has given the growers new possibilities to increase their income, and the focus on extending the season and on berry quality, have increased. About half of the Norwegian raspberry production is now under polyethylene tunnels, and this leads again to new possibilities of extension of the season by growing long canes or primocane-fruiting varieties like `Polka". Less than 120 ha of blueberries are produced in Scandinavia. The yields are low, and the picking cost too high. But, there is increasing interest, related to health benefits, from the marked. The main challenges for berry production in Scandinavia are access to and cost of labour, and how to meet the increased competition from imported berries. The Scandinavian countries have also strong restrictions in the number, and use of pesticides. Increased focus on taste and quality will be important in the future.

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Environmental control of the annual growth cycle of 'Glen Ample' raspberry has been studied in order to facilitate crop manipulation for out-of-season production. Plants propagated from root buds were raised in long days (LD) at 21 degrees C and then exposed to different temperature and daylength conditions at varying ages. Shoot growth was monitored by weekly measurements and floral initiation by regular sampling and examination of axillary bud #5. Under natural summer daylight conditions at 60 degrees N shoot growth was nearly doubled at 21 degrees C compared with 15 degrees C, while at 9 degrees C one half of the plants ceased growing and formed flower buds at midsummer. Developing shoots have a juvenile phase and could not be induced to flower before the 15-leaf stage. No significant reduction in induction requirements was found in larger plants. Plants exposed to natural light conditions from 10th August, had an immediate growth suppression at 9 and 12 degrees C with complete cessation after 4 weeks (by September 7). This coincided with the first appearance of floral primordia. At 15 degrees C both growth cessation and floral initiation occurred 2 weeks later (by September 21), while at 18 degrees C continuous growth with no floral initiation was maintained until early November when the photoperiod had fallen below 9 h. The critical photoperiod for growth cessation and floral initiation at 15 degrees C was 15 h. Plants exposed to 10-h photoperiods at 9 degrees C for 2-4 weeks had a transient growth suppression followed by resumed growth under subsequent high temperature and LD conditions, while exposure for 5 or 6 weeks resulted in complete growth cessation and dormancy induction. The critical induction period for floral initiation was 3 weeks although no transitional changes were visible in the bud before week 4. When exposed to inductive conditions for marginal periods of 3 or 4 weeks, an increasing proportion of the plants (20% and 67%, respectively), behaved as primocane flowering cultivars with recurrent growth and terminal flowering. It is concluded that growth cessation and floral initiation in raspberry are jointly controlled by low temperature and short day conditions and coincide in time as parallel outputs from the same internal induction mechanism. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.