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J. EidSammendrag
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Sverre SkoklefaldSammendrag
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Peder Braathe Torbjørn OkstadSammendrag
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Jon DietrichsonSammendrag
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Finn Roll-HansenSammendrag
Describes and illustrates the nature of the damage, and discusses earlier studies of the fungus and Eiches ice-strangulation theory. Inoculation with the fungus in April 1962, when snow was lying, at different heights on the stems of pine 2-4 m high, led to necrosis of the outer bark, often encircling the stem, in 3 months, and to death of the bark to its full depth in the part of the ring nearest the wound in 10 months; re-isolation of the fungus succeeded near the wound but not where the bark was not killed to its full depth. No bark ringing followed inoculations in April-May 1963, after the snow had gone and the soil had thawed, although necroses developed near the wound and the fungus could be re-isolated.
Kåre Olav VennSammendrag
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Finn Roll-HansenSammendrag
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Finn Roll-HansenSammendrag
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Alf BakkeSammendrag
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R. SætherSammendrag
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