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Validation of models for plant disease management is a crucial part in the development of decision support systems in plant protection. Bespoke field trials are usually conducted to determine the performance of a model under practical conditions. However, field trials are very resource-demanding, and the use of already existing field trial data could significantly reduce costs for model validation. In this study, we took this novel approach to verify the performance of models for determining the need of fungicide applications against leaf blotch diseases in wheat by utilising historical weather data and yield data available from fungicide efficacy field trials. Two models based on humidity factors were used in the study. To estimate how specific humidity settings in the two models affect the number of recommended fungicide treatments per season, historical weather data from a 5-year period from weather stations in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Lithuania was used. The model output shows major differences between seasons and regions, typically recommending between one and three treatments per season. To determine the prediction potential of the models, data on yield gains from either one or two fungicide applications in fungicide efficacy trials conducted in wheat over a 5-year period in the five countries was utilised. The yield responses from fungicide treatments in the efficacy trials varied considerably between years and countries, as did the proportion of predictions of profitable treatments. In general, there was a tendency for the models to overestimate the need to apply fungicides (low specificity), but they rarely failed to recommend an application that was needed (high sensitivity). Despite the importance of having specific trials across regions in order to adjust models to local cropping and weather conditions, our study shows that historical weather data and existing field trial data have the potential to be used in model validation.

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Septoria nodorum blotch (SNB), caused by the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Parastagonospora nodorum, is the dominant leaf blotch pathogen of wheat in Norway. Resistance/susceptibility to SNB is a quantitatively inherited trait, which can be partly explained by the interactions between wheat sensitivity loci (Snn) and corresponding P. nodorum necrotrophic effectors (NEs). Two Nordic wheat association mapping panels were assessed for SNB resistance in the field over three to four years: a spring wheat and a winter wheat panel (n = 296 and 102, respectively). Genome-wide association studies found consistent SNB resistance associated with quantitative trait loci (QTL) on eleven wheat chromosomes, and ten of those QTL were common in the spring and winter wheat panels. One robust QTL on the short arm of chromosome 2A, QSnb.nmbu-2AS, was significantly detected in both the winter and spring wheat panels. For winter wheat, using the four years of SNB field severity data in combination with five years of historical data, the effect of QSnb.nmbu-2AS was confirmed in seven of the nine years, while for spring wheat, the effect was confirmed for all tested years including the historical data from 2014 to 2015. However, lines containing the resistant haplotype are rare in both Nordic spring (4.0%) and winter wheat cultivars (15.7%), indicating the potential of integrating this QTL in SNB resistance breeding programs. In addition, clear and significant additive effects were observed by stacking resistant alleles of the detected QTL, suggesting that marker-assisted selection can greatly facilitate SNB resistance breeding.