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The Norwegian Scientific Committee for food an Environment (VKM) has assessed an application for authorisation of refined oilseed rape oil (Aquaterra®) derived from genetically modified oilseed rape line NS-B50027-4 for exclusive use as an ingredient in fish feed in Norway. NS-B50027-4 is also named DHA-canola. This report uses the term oilseed rape. NS-B50027-4 produces omega-3 long-chain (≥C20) polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 LC-PUFAs) in its seeds, with a high level of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and a small amount of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA). Aquaterra® also contains a significant level of alpha-Linolenic acid (ALA). Whereas ALA can be derived from plants, the primary producers of EPA and DHA are mainly marine microalgae. EPA and DHA are concentrated in the food chain to fish in the oceans and are often referred to as marine omega-3 fatty acids. NS-B50027-4 was developed as an alternative land-based source of marine fatty acids, mainly DHA. NS-B50027-4 was genetically modified to express seven transgenes derived from yeasts and marine microalgae that encode the enzymes necessary for the biosynthesis of omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, an eighth gene, pat, was inserted as a marker for selection purposes during development. The pat gene encodes the enzyme phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase (PAT) conferring tolerance to glufosinate-ammonium herbicides. Equally to conventional refined oilseed rape oils any residues levels of proteins, including the introduced enzymes, will be negligible in the Aquaterra® oil. The risk assessment of Aquaterra® was conducted in accordance with the guidance for risk assessment of derived food and feed from genetically modified plants as described by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA, 2011a). The risk assessment is based primarily on scientific documentation provided in the application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-160, which seeks approval for NS-B50027-4 for all applicable food and feed uses in the European Union (EU). VKM concludes that the provided scientific documentation fulfills the criteria of the EFSA guidance and is adequate for risk assessment. VKM concludes that the molecular characterisation, comparative, nutritional, toxicological and allergenicity assessments of NS-B50027-4 do not indicate increased risks to animal or human health compared to its conventional counterpart (comparator) or commercial reference varieties. Based on this together with specific analyses of the seed oil fraction and studies, e.g., in fish, VKM therefore concludes that the refined oil Aquaterra®, is equal to conventional oils from oilseed rape except for the altered composition in fatty acids. VKM concludes there is no increased health risk to fish fed Aquaterra® in feed compared to conventional feeds with oils from other sources, nor is there an indication of increased risk to the environment. Since Aquaterra® is equal to conventional oils from oilseed rape except for the marine omega-3 fatty acids already present in fish feeds, VKM concludes there is no greater need for health or environmental monitoring of feeds containing Aquaterra® than conventional feeds.

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Graphium species form a well-supported monophyletic lineage within the Microascales (Ascomycota). Members of this genus can be found in association with bark beetles, as well as on tree wounds and in soils. During surveys of bark and ambrosia beetle–associated fungi and cavities made by woodpeckers on hardwood trees in Poland, many isolates with an affinity to Graphium were recovered. They were identified based on their morphological characters and sequence data for the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), 28S rDNA, β-tubulin (TUB2), and translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF1) gene regions. The results revealed five new species, described here as G. brachiatum, G. longistipitatum, G. polonicum, G. radicatum, and G. trypophloei.

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Ophiostomatales (Ascomycota) contains many species, most of which are associated with bark beetles. Some members of this order are plant or animal pathogens, while others colonize soil, different plant tissues, or even carpophores of some Basidiomycota. However, little is known about soil-inhabiting Ophiostomatales fungi. A survey of these fungi associated with soil under beech, oak, pine, and spruce stands in Poland yielded 623 isolates, representing 10 species: Heinzbutinia grandicarpa, Leptographium procerum, L. radiaticola, Ophiostoma piliferum, O. quercus, Sporothrix brunneoviolacea, S. dentifunda, S. eucastaneae, and two newly described taxa, namely Sporothrix roztoczensis sp. nov. and S. silvicola sp. nov. In addition, isolates collected from fallen shoots of Pinus sylvestris that were pruned by Tomicus sp. are described as Sporothrix tumida sp. nov. The new taxa were morphologically characterized and phylogenetically analyzed based on multi-loci sequence data (ITS, β-tubulin, calmodulin, and translation elongation factor 1-α genes). The Ophiostomatales species were especially abundant in soil under pine and oak stands. Leptographium procerum, S. silvicola, and S. roztoczensis were the most frequently isolated species from soil under pine stands, while S. brunneoviolacea was the most abundant in soil under oak stands. The results highlight that forest soil in Poland has a wide diversity of Ophiostomatales taxa, but further studies are required to uncover the molecular diversity and phylogenetic relationships of these fungi, as well as their roles in soil fungal communities.


Integrert plante- og pollinatorvern (IPPV) er et relativt nytt konsept som omfatter tiltak med mål om å forbedre bærekraften i norsk jordbruk. Gjennom målrettede IPPV tiltak legges det til rette for økt biologisk mangfold i jordbrukslandskapet, både for å begrense bruk av plantevernmidler og forbedre pollineringen. Både pollinering og naturlig skadedyrkontroll er viktige økosystemtjenester som jordbruket kan dra stor nytte av.

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Weed harrowing is commonly used to manage weeds in organic farming but is also applied in conventional farming to replace herbicides. Due to its whole-field application, weed harrowing after crop emergence has relatively poor selectivity and may cause crop damage. Weediness generally varies within a field. Therefore, there is a potential to improve the selectivity and consider the within-field variation in weediness. This paper describes a decision model for precision post-emergence weed harrowing in cereals based on experimental data in spring barley and nonlinear regression analysis. The model predicts the optimal weed harrowing intensity in terms of the tine angle of the harrow for a given weediness (in terms of percentage weed cover), a given draft force of tines, and the biological weed damage threshold (in terms of percentage weed cover). Weed cover was measured with near-ground RGB images analyzed with a machine vision algorithm based on deep learning techniques. The draft force of tines was estimated with an electronic load cell. The proposed model is the first that uses a weed damage threshold in addition to site-specific values of weed cover and soil hardness to predict the site-specific optimal weed harrow tine angle. Future field trials should validate the suggested model.

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This study aimed to determine the differences and drivers of oomycete diversity and community composition in alder- and birch-dominated park and natural forest soils of the Fennoscandian and Baltic countries of Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden. For this, we sequenced libraries of PCR products generated from the DNA of 111 soil samples collected across a climate gradient using oomycete-specific primers on a PacBio high-throughput sequencing platform. We found that oomycete communities are most affected by temperature seasonality, annual mean temperature, and mean temperature of the warmest quarter. Differences in composition were partly explained by the higher diversity of Saprolegniales in Sweden and Norway, as both total oomycete and Saprolegniales richness decreased significantly at higher longitudes, potentially indicating the preference of this group of oomycetes for a more temperate maritime climate. None of the evaluated climatic variables significantly affected the richness of Pythiales or Peronosporales. Interestingly, the relative abundance and richness of Pythiales was higher at urban sites compared to forest sites, whereas the opposite was true for Saprolegniales. Additionally, this is the first report of Phytophthora gallica and P. plurivora in Estonia. Our results indicate that the composition of oomycetes in soils is strongly influenced by climatic factors, and, therefore, changes in climate conditions associated with global warming may have the potential to significantly alter the distribution range of these microbes, which comprise many important pathogens of plants.