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Rapporten omhandler arbeid som NIBIO har utført på oppdrag fra Mattilsynet vedrørende et overvåking og kartleggingsprogram for Phytophthora ramorum. Rapporten omtaler også resultat av Mattilsynets tilsynsprøver i planteskoler og prøver tatt ut av NIBIO i samarbeid med Mattilsynet i lerkplantasjer....


Secured supply of apple fruit for industrial use, especially for production of cider was investigated. The research questions were; is it more land to be used for apple growing in the Hardanger region?, is it possible to develop an own growing concept for fruit for industrial use?, how is the economy in an own concept? And what quality demands for the raw material is needed? More land is available in the region and how much is dependent on which quality the producers demand. The input factors in a growing concept were evaluated for economically impact and price level for the different classes were the most important. Fruit of different origin (discarded at picking or at grading) were compared. Yield level was most likely the most important factor for the differences found. Prognose of amount available for industry was calculated based on models from other countries and found to have potential. Knowledge gaps were identified, and further work is needed to determine quality demands.

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Pesticides in agricultural surface water runoff cause a major threat to freshwater systems. Installation of filter systems or constructed wetlands in areas of preferential run-off is a possible measure for pesticides abatement. To develop such systems, combinations of filter materials suitable for retention of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic organic pesticides were tested for pesticide removal in planted microcosms. The retention of six pesticides frequently detected in surface waters (bentazone, MCPA, metalaxyl, propiconazole, pencycuron, and imidacloprid) was evaluated in unplanted and planted pot experiments with novel bed material mixtures consisting of pumice, vermiculite, water super-absorbent polymer (SAP) for retention of ionic and water soluble pesticides, and synthetic hydrophobic wool for adsorption of hydrophobic pesticides. The novel materials were compared to soil with high organic matter content. The highest retention of the pesticides was observed in the soil, with a considerable translocation of pesticides into the plants, and low leaching potential, in particular for the hydrophobic compounds. However, due to the high retention of pesticides in soil, environmental risks related to their long term mobilization cannot be excluded. Mixtures of pumice and vermiculite with SAP resulted in high retention of i) water and ii) both hydrophilic and hydrophobic pesticides but with much lower leaching potential compared to the mineral systems without SAP. Mixtures of such materials may provide near natural treatment options in riparian strips and also for treatment of rainwater runoff without the need for water containment systems.


Denne rapporten presenterer resultatene fra prosjektet «Valuation of the Norwegian plant health regime from an environmental, economic and social perspective (PlantValue)», som ble finansiert av Forskningsrådet gjennom en utlysning i samarbeid med Mattilsynet om midler til forvaltningsforskning på dyre- og plantehelse. Formålet med prosjektet var å få økt kunnskap om de miljømessige, økonomiske og sosiale konsekvensene av reguleringen av plantehelse i Norge og ulike metoder for å måle og utforske disse. Vi valgte å fokusere på et utvalg ulike former for reguleringer, og gjennom utvalgte casestudier har vi sett på betydningen av reguleringene for mattrygghet, helse, miljø, produsentøkonomi og forbrukervelferd.....


Leaf blotch diseases (LBD), such as Septoria nodorum bloch (Parastagnospora nodorum), Septoria tritici blotch (Zymoseptoria tritici) and Tan spot (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis) can cause severe yield losses (up to 50%) in Norwegian spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) and are mainly controlled by fungicide applications. A forecasting model to predict disease risk can be an important tool to optimize disease control. The association between specific weather variables and the development of LBD differs between wheat growth stages. In this study, a mathematical model to estimate phenological development of spring wheat was derived based on sowing date, air temperature and photoperiod. Weather factors associated with LBD severity were then identified for selected phenological growth stages by a correlation study of LBD severity data (17 years). Although information regarding host resistance and previous crop were added to the identified weather factors, two purely weather-based risk prediction models (CART, classification and regression tree algorithm) and one black box model (KNN, based on K nearest neighbor algorithm) were most accurate to predict moderate to high LBD severity (>5% infection). The predictive accuracy of these models (76–83%) was compared to that of two existing models used in Norway and Denmark (60 and 61% accuracy, respectively). The newly developed models performed better than the existing models, but still had the tendency to overestimate disease risk. Specificity of the new models varied between 49 and 74% compared to 40 and 37% for the existing models. These new models are promising decision tools to improve integrated LBD management of spring wheat in Norway.