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[Forord] Gjennom det nasjonale programmet for systematisk overvåking av jordbrukets kulturlandskap, 3Q, dokumenterer NIBIO hvordan jordbrukslandskapet endres. Et av målene med å overvåke tilstand og endringer i jordbrukslandskapet er å fange opp endringstrender på et så tidlig tidspunkt at disse fortsatt kan påvirkes. Derfor er det også viktig å formidle overvåkingsresultatene og fortelle hvilke endringer som skjer. Dette gjøres gjennom kart og statistikk, presentasjoner og publikasjoner i ulike media og gjennom rapporter. Formidlingen vil imidlertid fremstå noe ulikt i form i de ulike kanalene...

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Abstract: GrassPlot is a collaborative vegetation-plot database organised by the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG) and listed in the Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD ID EU-00-003). Following a previous Long Database Report (Dengler et al. 2018, Phyto-coenologia 48, 331–347), we provide here the first update on content and functionality of GrassPlot. The current version (GrassPlot v. 2.00) contains a total of 190,673 plots of different grain sizes across 28,171 independent plots, with 4,654 nested-plot series including at least four grain sizes. The database has improved its content as well as its functionality, including addition and harmonization of header data (land use, information on nestedness, structure and ecology) and preparation of species composition data. Currently, GrassPlot data are intensively used for broad-scale analyses of different aspects of alpha and beta diversity in grassland ecosystems.


Cultivated organic soils (7-8% of Norway’s agricultural land area) are economically important sources for forage production in some regions in Norway, but they are also ‘hot spots’ for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The project ‘Climate smart management practices on Norwegian organic soils’ (MYR; funded by the Research Council of Norway, decision no. 281109) will evaluate how water table management and the intensity of other management practices (i.e. tillage and fertilization intensity) affects both GHG emissions and forage’s quality & production. The overall aim of MYR is to generate useful information for recommendations on climate-friendly management of Norwegian peatlands for both policy makers and farmers. For this project, we established two experimental sites on Norwegian peatlands for grass cultivation, of which one in Northern (subarctic, continental climate) and another in Southern (temperate, coastal climate) Norway. Both sites have a water table level (WTL) gradient ranging from low to high. In order to explore the effects of management practices, controlled trials with different fertilization strategies and tillage intensity will be conducted at these sites with WTL gradients considered. Meanwhile, GHG emissions (including carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide), crop-related observations (e.g. phenology, production), and hydrological conditions (e.g. soil moisture, WTL dynamics) will be monitored with high spatiotemporal resolution along the WTL gradients during 2019-2021. Besides, MYR aims at predicting potential GHG mitigation under different scenarios by using state-of-the-art modelling techniques. Four models (BASGRA, Coup, DNDC and ECOSSE), with strengths in predicting grass growth, hydrological processes, soil nitrification-denitrification and carbon decomposition, respectively, will be further developed according to the soil properties. Then these models will be used independently to simulate biogeochemical and agroecological processes in our experimental fields. Robust parameterization schemes will be based on the observational data for both soil and crop combinations. Eventually, a multi-model ensemble prediction will be carried out to provide scenario analyses by 2030 and 2050. We will couple these process-based models with optimization algorithm to explore the potential reduction in GHG emissions with consideration of production sustenance, and upscale our assessment to regional level.


This paper describes the development and utility of the Norwegian forest resources map (SR16). SR16 is developed using photogrammetric point cloud data with ground plots from the Norwegian National Forest Inventory (NFI). First, an existing forest mask was updated with object-based image analysis methods. Evaluation against the NFI forest definitions showed Cohen's kappa of 0.80 and accuracy of 0.91 in the lowlands and a kappa of 0.73 and an accuracy of 0.96 in the mountains. Within the updated forest mask, a 16×16 m raster map was developed with Lorey's height, volume, biomass, and tree species as attributes (SR16-raster). All attributes were predicted with generalized linear models that explained about 70% of the observed variation and had relative RMSEs of about 50%. SR16-raster was segmented into stand-like polygons that are relatively homogenous in respect to tree species, volume, site index, and Lorey's height (SR16-vector). When SR16 was utilized in a combination with the NFI plots and a model-assisted estimator, the precision was on average 2–3 times higher than estimates based on field data only. In conclusion, SR16 is useful for improved estimates from the Norwegian NFI at various scales. The mapped products may be useful as additional information in Forest Management Inventories.


Vestlandsk fjordfe er en av de mest populære evaringsverdige storferasene1. Rasen har økt fra ca 50 kyr rundt 1990 til over 800 kyr i 2019. Det er stor etterspørsel etter informasjon om produksjon på denne rasen fra bønder, rådgivere og tilsynsmyndigheter. I en serie på tre NIBIO-POPer publiseres resultater fra et treårig studie om 1) Tilvekst, voksenvekt og slakteresultater, 2) Levendevekt og brystmål og 3) Holdvurdering gjennom året. Her er den andre.


Vestlandsk fjordfe er en av de mest populære bevaringsverdige storferasene1. Rasen har økt fra ca 50 kyr rundt 1990 til over 800 kyr i 2019. Det er stor etterspørsel etter informasjon om produksjon på denne rasen fra bønder, rådgivere og tilsynsmyndigheter. I en serie på tre NIBIO-POPer publiseres resultater fra et treårig studie om 1) Tilvekst, voksenvekt og slakteresultater, 2) Levendevekt og brystmål og 3) Holdvurdering gjennom året. Her er den første.


Vestlandsk fjordfe er en av de mest populære evaringsverdige storferasene1. Rasen har økt fra ca 50 kyr rundt 1990 til over 800 kyr i 2019. Det er stor etterspørsel etter informasjon om produksjon på denne rasen fra bønder, rådgivere og tilsynsmyndigheter. I en serie på tre NIBIO-POPer publiseres resultater fra et treårig studie om 1) Tilvekst, voksenvekt og slakteresultater, 2) Levendevekt og brystmål og 3) Holdvurdering gjennom året. Her er den tredje.


Beite opprettholder kulturlandskapet og gir ofte rom til mange og iblant sjeldne planter. Gjengroing i forbindelse med beiteopphør truer dette artsmangfoldet og forekomsten av arter som er avhengige av et åpent landskap.