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This paper gives a review of reported experiments with grazed clover grass in Scandinavian and Baltic countries. The number of reports is low, and without exceptions the used clover species has been white clover. The reported Danish grazing experiments are seeded with perennial ryegrass, whereas in the other countries a range of different grass species has been used.


Results are given for yield and clover content from field trials on two sites in Norway. Good DM-yields were obtained on well decayed peat still in the 4th harvest year. On coastal peat soil with a high degree of humification a big reduction in DM-yield was revealed due to nutrient deficiency.


Resultata frå det første åtteårige omløpet i Dyrkingssystemprosjektet på Apelsvoll syner at intensive dyrking og einsretta korn- og husdyrproduksjon må ta mykje av skulda for dei miljøproblema ein har i landbruket. I eit miljøtilpassa landbruk må det leggast aukande vekt på vekstfølgjene i dyrkingssystema og deira betydning for t.d. næringstofftap, jordtap, jorda si kjemiske, fysiske og biologisk tilstand og behovet for kjemisk plantevern. Landbruksforskinga må konsentrere seg meir om verknaden av å leggje om til nye dyrkingssystem enn tilpassingar innanfor eksisterande system.


Verknad av sein haustspreiing, tidleg og sein vårspreiing av fast småfegjødsel på eng. Gjødselverdi, avlingsmengde og fôrkvalitet


In a cropping systems experiment in south-eastern Norway, ecological (ECO), integrated (INT) and conventional (CON) forage (FORAGE) and arable (ARABLE) model farms were compared. After 5 years, topsoil was sampled in spring from spring grain plots and incubated for 449 days at controlled temperature and moisture content. There were no detectable differences between model farms in terms of total soil C or N. For INT and CON, however, values of microbial biomass C and N, microbial quotient, and C and N mineralization were, or tended to be, higher for FORAGE than for ARABLE. For ECO treatment, values were similar for FORAGE and ARABLE and did not differ significantly from that of CON FORAGE. For INT and CON, the metabolic quotient was lower for FORAGE than for ARABLE. Again, for the ECO treatment, values were similar for FORAGE and ARABLE and did not differ significantly from the CON FORAGE. We estimated the size of conceptual soil organic matter pools by fitting a decomposition model to biomass and mineralization data. This resulted in a 48% larger estimate for CON FORAGE than for CON ARABLE of physically protected biomass C. For physically protected organic C the difference was 42 %. Moreover, the stability of soil aggregates against artificial rainfall was substantially greater for CON FORAGE than for CON ARABLE. On this basis, we hypothesized that the lower microbial quotient in the FORAGE soils were mainly caused by a smaller proportion of active biomass due to enclosure of microorganisms within aggregates. Altogether, our results indicate a poorer inherent soil fertility in ARABLE than in FORAGE rotations, but the difference was small or absent in the ECO systems, probably owing to the use of animal and green manures and reduced tillage intensity in the ECO ARABLE rotation.