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Resultater som viser avlingstall for jordbær med jorddekke av lagret bark, fersk bark, plast, halm og udekka jord. Resultater fra tre forsøk fra ulike deler av landet


This report focuses on agriculture and its impacts in rural areas. Agriculture is an important activity in the Norwegian periphery, directly and indirectly. A deregulation of agriculture will most probably have negative impacts on agricultural production and employment. This, in turn, will have negative impacts on other sectors. Since agriculture is overrepresented in the periphery, and there are few alternative sources of employment, reduced activity in agricultural can lead to increased centralisation. This can be a problem since the relatively low population densities already imply a danger of depopulation in the periphery. Some motivations for regulating agriculture are based on the sector's importance in the periphery. Regulations are also motivated by other facts. It is very difficult to distinguish precisely between rurality and other motivations. However, part of the motivation is agricultural production itself, or aims that can be deducted from production. Distribution of income is an example of this. From a theoretical point of view, subsidies should, in order to be as efficient as possible, be directed directly towards the problems they are meant to cure. If the aim for granting agricultural support is rural development and not agricultural production, then it is better to grant subsidies that do not depend upon production. Rural development (RD) can be thought of as complementary to agricultural production (AP): (*) RD = f(AP), f'(AP) > 0 This means that you get more RD if AP increases, and less RD if AP decreases. By subsidising AP, you will automatically get more RD. The function (*) does not, however, say anything about the efficiency of subsiding AP for gaining RD, compared to using the same amount of subsidies directly at gaining RD. The function does not describe whether subsidies that are production dependent are preferable to non-production subsidies from a rural development point of view. Using the function (*) and the fact that the secondary effects of reducing agricultural subsidies may be substantial in the peripheries, one may argue, however, that agriculture is important and that agricultural production is an essential industry for rural development. We would also like to underline the fact that agricultural has several non-food impacts and that multifunctionality is much more than rural development. It is especially difficult to distinguish between «rural development» and «cultural landscape». The relationship between them should probably be discussed further.


Den amerikanske tidlegeplesorten "Geneva Early" kjem tidleg i bering, er bra produktiv og ber årvisst. Sorten mognar inntil ei veke før "Quinte", og fruktkvalitet og haldbarheit er bra for ein sort med så tidleg mogning. "Geneva Early" er svært utsett for mjøldogg og nokså utsett for skurv. Sorten kan sjå ut til å høva best under Austlandstilhøve, der fruktfarge og smak vert betre, og problemet med mjøldogg er mindre.


Artikkelen gjev ei omtale av forskingsarbeidet innan plantesystem til frukttre utført ved Ullensvang Forsøksgard gjennom 50 år 1949-1999.