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Kystlyngheiane er i dag sterkt trua. Dei største utfordringane skriv seg frå gjengroing på grunn av opphøyr av tradisjonell bruk som beiting og sviing. Sviing kan oppfattast som ei dramatisk skjøtselsform som fjernar all vegetasjon. Dette studiet syner at vegetasjonen regenererer raskt, og etter tre år er røsslyng (Calluna vulgaris) på ny den dominerande arten.


Hvordan blir verdidiskusjonene når økonomenes verdiskapingsbegrep benyttes også på ikke-økonomiske og normative verdier? Verdiskaping er et begrep som vi ser kobles til strategier for utvikling og framtidstro innenfor en rekke felt. For næringer som jordbruk og skogbruk som produserer «håndfaste» verdier som mat og fiber er slik begrepsbruk kanskje ikke så oppsiktsvekkende. Verdiskaping knyttes videre til produksjon av opplevelser - i hovedsak reiselivsrelatert - i utmark og i vernede områder. Mer uvant blir det når begrepet kobles til andre sektorer som etableringen av «Verdiskapingsprogrammet på kulturminneområdet».


Rural communities in Norway have been under great economic stress in recent years. There has been an increasing debate about how to utilize the large potential in a growing tourism industry to promote rural employment and income. This study is based on the institutional view of innovation with a focus on institutions that are important for stimulating innovations. The objectives are: 1) to determine if networking is positively related to innovativeness and if innovativeness is positively related to performance in the nature-based tourism industry in Norway and 2) to develop an in-depth understanding of how different actors trigger a member of the industry to change, create, or otherwise innovate. An e-mail survey was conducted of companies across the country followed by a qualitative study in one Norwegian municipality. Results indicate that there is a positive connection between networking and innovativeness, and between innovativeness and performance. A qualitative case example illustrates the interaction among actors and the resulting impacts on the innovation process.


Rural communities in Norway have been under great economic stress in recent years. There has been an increasing debate about how to utilize the large potential in a growing tourism industry to promote rural employment and income. This study is based on the institutional view of innovation with a focus on institutions that are important for stimulating innovations. The objectives are: 1) to determine if networking is positively related to innovativeness and if innovativeness is positively related to performance in the nature-based tourism industry in Norway and 2) to develop an in-depth understanding of how different actors trigger a member of the industry to change, create, or otherwise innovate. An email survey was conducted of companies across the country followed by a qualitative study in one Norwegian municipality. Results indicate that there is a positive connection between networking and innovativeness, and between innovativeness and performance. A qualitative case example illustrates the interaction among actors and the resulting impacts on the innovation process.


This paper describes a stochastic linear programming model for farms with a milk and cattle meat production system. This model documentation is worked out using the farm account records for three family farms in Northern Norway. The model is built in Excel using the addin Simetar to analyze risks. The LP model maximizes farm gross margins but the fixed costs of each farm are subtracted in order to compute farm profit and risk in farm profit. Data for the 15 years from 1991–2005 from the farms and from the annual editions of the Handbook of farm planning (NILF, 2000) have been used as a basis for developing the stochastic variables. The following variables have been made stochastic: area and yield of green fodder, yields of leys and pastures, yield of milk per cow, meat price, milk price, fuel costs and costs of concentrate feed. The rate of interest is also made stochastic. In the model the rate of interest is affecting the risk in farm profit through the fixed costs. Emphasize has been given to build a flexible model allowing for examining effects of changes in several ways e.g. length of grazing period, calving time, or harvesting method for grass. The milk production is restricted by a farm specific milk quota, but otherwise the farming intensity is varied as farmers may choose selling e.g. small calves or up to two years old castrates with extensive use of pasture. Updating the model with data for another year is facilitated by defining prices for one year at a time and by cell referencing all variables. The records may be replaced with records for family farms with similar production systems in other areas in the country. The production is based on grass and pasture roughage. Dairy farms in more central areas also produce cereals, grain and oilseeds and the model has to be developed further for such farms. The model will be used to carry out different farm economics analysis for Norwegian family farms combining milk and cattle meat production in production systems involving extensive use of pasture.


Det blir sagt at før fans det to slag potet i Valdres. Det var svarteplo og (kvit)eplo. Kvar det har vorte av det kvite slaget veit me ikkje. Men den svarte blir fortsatt dyrka i Valdres, men mest som hobby. Skalet på poteten er nærast plommefarga med lyse spetter i. Formen er rundoval og noko ujamn med relativt djupe grohol. Når me skjer over poteten ser me at det omtrent 1 cm frå skalet er ein fiolett ring. Fargestoffet er anthocyanin, same stoffet som ein finn i blåbær. Svart Valdres gir god avling , men den lir av det same som dei fleste eldre sortar som til dømes Mandel: den er svak mot sjukdom og spesielt turrote. Dei siste åra har etterspørsel en etter fleire av dei gamle potetslaga auka. Mandelpotet er svak mot sjukdom og gir låge avlingar, men på grunn av den store etterspørselen og omdømmet som gourmetpotet, kan produsentane få ein brukbar pris. Gullauge frå Nord-Norge og Ringerikspotet er andre gamle lokale spesialsortar. Med rett marknadsføring skulle det ikkje vere noko i vegen for å lansere Svart Valdres som Valdres sin eigen gourmetpotet. Så får me håpe nokon har tid og interesse for å dyrke denne poteten.