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As part of a project on cultivation and industrial exploitation of European Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus ) started in 2008, berries from different wild populations from South, Mid and North Norway were investigated. One aspect of fruit quality analyses was to identify and describe blueberry aroma profiles. Volatiles were extracted by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and analysed by gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry (GC/MS) (Rohloff, 2004). More than 100 compounds could be identified based on MS database search and retention indices, also comprising aroma impact compounds not being described in blueberries earlier (Sydow & Anjou, 1969). Detected aliphatic and aromatic structures belonged to chemical groups such as alkanes, acids, alcohols, aldehydes, esters, ketones and mono- and sesquiterpenes. Ten major compounds (mostly C4-, C6- and C9-structures) accounted for averagely 65-75 % relative amount of all detected peaks. However, HS-SPME analyses revealed complex volatile profiles including terpenes (>20 compounds, e.g. p-cymene, 1,8-cineole, linalool) and aromatic structures (>10 compounds, e.g. benzaldehyde, ethyl benzoate, 2-phenylethyl acetate, benzyl benzoate), which contribute to the characteristic and flavourful blueberry aroma.


Fra sommeren 2008 ble prisen på mineralgjødsel om lag doblet. Et sentralt spørsmål er om gjødselprisen har økt så mye at økonomisk optimalt gjødslingsnivå nå er lavere enn gjeldende norm. Her oppsummeres kort de vurderingene som er gjort knyttet til nitrogengjødsling innen de forskjellige vekstgrupper.

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Tjue-åtte norske frøavlere, forskere og konsulenter gjennomførte i dagene 11-12.juni 2009 en fagtur til Mellom- Sverige. Besøk hos seks konvensjonelle og økologiske frødyrkere stod på programmet. Spesielt den økologiske frøavlen stod sterkt i området, og vi fikk se øko-frøenger av engsvingel, strandsvingel, timotei, kvitkløver og rødkløver. Til tross for fraværet av plantevernmidler var det imponerende lite ugras å se. Mange av de økologiske grasfrøengene var imidlertid lyse på fargen og led av nitrogenmangel. Dette skyldtes dårlig gjødselvirkning av de organiske gjødselmidlene på grunn av lite nedbør på forsommeren. Av konvensjonell dyrking fikk vi se frøenger av raisvingel, rødkløver, rødsvingel, kvitkløver og engsvingel. Både den økologiske og konvensjonelle frøavlen foregikk på store, flate sletter som var godt egnet for effektiv og rasjonell frøproduksjon. Alt i alt en interessant og lærerik tur hvor vi fikk se mange flotte frøenger. I denne rapporten er dyrkingsteknikken hos frøavlerne vi besøkte, samt andre inntrykk fra turen, nærmere beskrevet.


The aim of organic farming husbandry is to be entirely based on an organically produced diet. Pea is the most commonly cultivated protein rich crop in organic agriculture in Norway. However other high protein crops with complementary properties are needed to meet the nutritional demands in feeds for ruminants, pigs and poultry. An ongoing study in Bioforsk aims to develop cultivation practices on nutrient supply for organic oilseed crops and to establish knowledge on the feed quality of organically grown oilseed crops used as protein feed. It appears that spring turnip rape (Brassica rapa L. var. oleifera) and Camelina (Camelina sativa L.) can both be successfully cultivated with different levels of supplied nitrogen and sulphur. The nutrient value of organic spring turnip rape seems to be equivalent to conventional protein crops. Camelina can be an alternative in organic production, due to fewer problems with harmful pests compared with the traditional oilseed crops rape and turnip rape. Oilseed cake of turnip rape has higher protein and mineral content than the seed, and can be an interesting addition in feed ration for both ruminants and poultry, especially in combination with field pea.


Organic husbandry aims to be based on 100 % organic feed. Currently there is a lack of protein feed for production of concentrates. Protein from oilseed crops is thought to complement the protein quality of peas (Pisum sativum L.). The experiences with oilseed crops in organic production are limited. With the ongoing project "Organic protein feed and edible oil from oilseed crops" the main aim is to obtain more knowledge of cultivation practices and the quality of the feed obtained from the crops. Spring turnip rape (Brassica rapa L. var. oleifera) and Camelina (Camelina sativa L.) are both successfully cultivated with different levels of supplied nitrogen and sulphur. Camelina seems to be an interesting new crop for organic production. It seems difficult to obtain good establishment and overwintering of winter rape (Brassica napus L. var. oleifera) and winter turnip rape. The nutrient value of organic spring turnip rape and winter turnip rape seems to be equivalent to conventional protein crops.


The landscape and the old semi-natural habitats shaped by alpine farming represent important potentials both for local farmers and rural development. The projects referred focus on local food production with "added values", which represent picturesque landscapes, high biodiversity, and demanded food quality. Local food products such as sour cream, brown whey goat"s cheese, cow milk, mutton and beef are analyzed for specific sensory properties, fatty acid composition and the amount of antioxidants. Plant preferences among the livestock, botanical composition of pastures and management effects of grazing are also investigated. Preliminary results show higher levels of ω-3 fatty acids, CLA and antioxidants in milk and meat products with attractive sensory properties. These results are likely caused by distinctive properties of alpine pasture plants. Other Bioforsk projects show that production of high quality food products in addition may maintain high biodiversity and mountain summer farming landscapes, and that these "added values" make it possible to sell the food as labeled products, thus strengthening the farmer"s economy.


The challenges of grassland management are not quite the same in different European countries. I have always been of the opinion that there is a lot to learn by visiting other countries and by participating in international conferences. I have on two occasions stayed a year at research institutes in Europe. My first stay was in Switzerland, where I had the opportunity to work on a specific subject; biological nitrogen fixation in white clover. On my second stay, at North Wyke in 1997-98, I had a much broader approach. I wished to work with several of the research groups at the Station in order to learn about research methods and results. All members of the staff had a positive attitude to me as a visiting scientist, and they were helpful and did not seem to be tired of all my questions on research issues, or on social and political conditions in Great Britain.


Enga må slåast ung og ofte dersom  grovfôret skal ha høg potensiell næringsverdi.  Ein slik intensiv haustepraksis vil ein forvente gir lågare avlingar og ei mindre varig eng i høve til ein praksis med sjeldnare og/eller seinare slåttar. Desse spørsmåla har ein sett nærare på i prosjektet "Mer og bedre grovfôr som basis for norsk kjøtt- og mjølkeproduksjon ". Ein fann moderate avlingstap med tidlege og hyppige slåttar.