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Drøvtyggere kan nyttiggjøre planter som vokser på arealer der det ellers ikke er mulig å produsere mat. Kjøtt og melk kan så brukes til mat. Samtidig fører fordøyelsen til utslipp av metan og dermed til global oppvarming. Livsløpsanalyse kan bidra å beregne hvor stor utslipp er og hva som kan være strategier for å redusere ustlipp.


Enabling the FARMnor LCA-model (Flow Analysis and Resource Management for Norway) to handle large number of farms to calculate farm-specific LCA's. For each farm, data are automatically imported, the LCA calculated and results stored before proceeding with the next farm. This update allows in addition to conduct sensitivity and uncertainty analyses.


Extending the FARMnor model (Flow Analysis and Resource Management for Norway) for sheep based on the guidelines from IPCC (2019) and Carbon Limits (2021). In the calultaions it is differentiated between lambs, sheep, ewes and rams and period in barn as well as grazing farm- and rangeland. In addition the possibility to include carbon sequestration due to grazing rangeland was added.


Updating the LCA-model FARMnor (Flow Analysis and Resource Management for Norway) to version 09 allowing to conduct environmental assessment for pigs. FARMnor runs on the LCA-software Umberto and allows to use information from the database ecoinvent.

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The Expert Group for Technical Advice on Organic Production (EGTOP) was requested to advise on the use of several substances with plant protection effects in organic production. The Group discussed whether the use of these substances and methods is in line with the objectives and principles of organic production, and whether they should be included in Reg. (EU) 2021/1165. With respect to Annex I to Reg. (EU) 2021/1165, the Group recommends the following: • Entry ‘Pheromones and other semiochemicals’: The present restriction ‘only in traps and dispensers’ should be complemented with the following text: ‘microcapsules shall be biodegradable and shall not be applied to edible parts of the crop’. • The introductions to Annex I and to the sub-chapters of Annex I refer to the authorization of pesticides pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. The Group recommends minor editorial amendments to clarify that these references apply only when pesticides are used within the EU.

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The Expert Group for Technical Advice on Organic Production (EGTOP) was requested to advise on the use of several substances with plant protection or fertilising effects in organic production, and to advise on aspects of organic production of yams. The Group discussed whether the use of these substances and methods is in line with the objectives and principles of organic production, and whether they should be included in Reg. (EU) 2021/1165. With