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Purpose An important requirement when producers apply for protected designation of origin (PDO) or protected geographical indications (PGIs) is to adapt and agree on a concise definition of the geographical boundaries and area of the product. Whereas PDO products must be both strongly ecologically and culturally embedded in the specific area, PGI products are allowed a weaker degree of embeddedness. The research question of this paper is: How are geographical boundaries becoming PDOs and PGIs? The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach The analysis is based on diverse forms of empirical material. Document studies of laws, policy documents, etc. have been analyzed to uncover what kind of measures and concepts that have been important for implementation of the scheme in Norway. Interviews with producer organizations have involved the persons responsible for working out product regulations in producer organizations. Interviews have also been conducted with key informants representing public administrative bodies administering the regulation. All interviews have been semi-structured. Findings The analysis identifies a set of important conditions for the boundary work of PDO-PGI in Norway. The conditions can generally be said to be characterized by a weak understanding of the food-people-places nexus and a strong reliance on instrumentalised system logic in how to deal with the map-nature dimension in boundary work. The short answer to the research question is that geographical boundaries are becoming PDO and PGI through controversies. Originality/value The controversies are characterized by what is defined as cultural adaptation work. The actors overall adaptation work is understood as the sum of the practices that takes place in the interplay between people’s translations of language and knowledge, reorganization of social relationships and transformation of materiality. The interplay is embedded in the tension between the global and the local, the old and the new and results in both intended and unintended consequences.


Denne rapporten presenterer naturtypekartlegging og verdisetting av naturtyper, spesielt med hensyn til kystlynghei og strandeng på Borgan i Vikna kommune, Trøndelag fylke, på oppdrag fra Vikna kommune. Målsettingen med arbeidet var å få en overordnet kartlegging av om det finnes naturverdier innenfor området.


Denne rapporten presenterer skjøtselsplan for kystlynghei for lokaliteten Smågeholmene i Aukra kommune, på oppdrag fra Fylkesmannen i Møre og Romsdal. Skjøtselsplanen er utarbeidet etter mal for skjøtselsplaner for kystlynghei i regi av Miljødirektoratet.


Denne rapporten presenterer skjøtselsplan for kystlynghei for Trollhaugen beiteområde på Borgan i Vikna kommune, på oppdrag fra Vikna kommune. Skjøtselsplanen er utarbeidet etter mal for skjøtselsplaner for kystlynghei i regi av Miljødirektoratet. Teksten i del 1 og del 3 som omhandler kystlynghei og skjøtsel av kystlynghei generelt, er felles for alle skjøtselsplaner for kystlynghei, utformet av Miljødirektoratet, og er således ikke forfattet av undertegnede for denne rapporten.