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Naturtypen artsrik slåttemark er sterkt trua ifølge Norsk rødliste for naturtyper, og ble i 2011 utvalgt naturtype (UN) med en viss beskyttelse gjennom lov om Naturmangfold. På oppdrag for Statsforvalteren i Møre og Romsdal fikk NIBIO i oppdrag å utforme skjøtselsplan for slåttemark på Bæverfjordsetra i Surnadal kommune. Det ble på lokaliteten registrert naturbeitemark med stor verdi.


Naturtypen artsrik slåttemark er sterkt trua ifølge Norsk rødliste for naturtyper, og ble i 2011 utvalgt naturtype (UN) med en viss beskyttelse gjennom lov om Naturmangfold. På oppdrag for Statsforvalteren i Møre og Romsdal fikk NIBIO i oppdrag å utforme skjøtselsplan for slåttemark på Røsta i Surnadal kommune. Det ble på lokaliteten registrert naturbeitemark med god tilstand.

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Flere økobønder kan dyrke høstraps. Nye sorter som egner seg for norsk klima gjør det mulig å utvide dyrkingsområdet og etterspørselen er stor. Rapsdyrker Thorbjørn Lund i Østfold forteller om gode erfaringer med å dyrke den etterspurte oljeveksten.

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In organic pig production systems, one of the main challenges is to meet the demand for resources rich in protein. Among the resources available, temperate green plants, such as forage legumes, are potential sources of energy and protein. The aim of the study was to determine the nutritional value of silages (S) from the whole plant of lucerne (L) and red clover (R) and protein pastes (PPs) obtained from L and R leaves. In a first trial, 30 pigs were used in a factorial design to determine the total tract digestibility (TTD) of dietary nutrients and energy in five dietary treatments. The control group was fed a control diet (C1). The lucerne silage (LS) and red clover silage (RS) groups were fed a 78%:22% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C1 diet and LS or RS. The lucerne protein paste (LPP) and the red clover protein paste (RPP) groups were fed an 81%:19% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C1 diet and LPP or RPP. In the second trial, five pigs were used in a 5 × 5 Latin square design to evaluate the standardised ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AAs) in the four legume products. The control diet (C2) was formulated with casein as the sole protein source. The LS and RS groups were fed an 85%:15% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C2 diet and LS or RS. The LPP and RPP groups were fed an 80%:20% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C2 diet and LPP or RPP. Regardless of the plant species, silages obtained from L and R leaves contained less AA and more fibre than protein pastes. While the fresh forages contained the same percentage of protein N in total N (63.6%), lucerne lost more protein N during ensiling than red clover (−75.5 vs −33.8%). The calculated TTD coefficient of energy was higher in silages than in protein pastes and lower in R than in L products (72.8, 71.5, 67.7, and 61.3 for LS, RS, LPP and RPP, respectively). The SID of total essential AA was higher in LPP than in RPP (87.2 vs 79.2%) whereas it was lower in LS than in RS (33.2 vs 56.8%). The lower SID values in silages were explained by the protein degradation during the ensiling process and a high proportion of AA linked to the NDF fraction. The results of the present study show that protein pastes obtained from lucerne and red clover are valuable protein sources for pig. In contrast, legume silages have to be considered as an energy source rather than a protein source.

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Berries of the genus Vaccinium are highly valued health-beneficial superfoods, which are commonly subjected to adulteration and mixed with each other, or with other common berry species. A quantitative DNA-based method utilizing a chip-based digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) technique was developed for identifying and quantifying wild lingonberry (V. vitis-idaea) and cultivated American cranberry (V. macrocarpon). The dPCR method with species-specific primers for mini-barcoding was designed based on the indel regions found in the trnI-CAU–trnL-CAA locus in the chloroplast genome. The designed primers were able to amplify only target species, enabling to distinguish the two closely related species with good sensitivity. Our results illustrated the ability of the method to identify lingonberry and American cranberry DNA using PCR without the need for probes or further sequencing. The dPCR method could also quantify the DNA copy number in mixed samples. Based on this study, the method provides a basis for a simple, fast, and sensitive quantitative authentication analysis of lingonberry and American cranberry by dPCR. Moreover, it can also provide a platform for authentication analyses of other plant species as well by utilizing the indel regions of chloroplast genomes.