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The role of soil moisture for organic matter decomposition rates remains poorly understood and underrepresented in Earth System Models (ESMs). We apply the Dual Arrhenius Michaelis-Menten (DAMM) model to a selection of ESM soil temperature and moisture outputs to investigate their effects on decomposition rates, at different soil depths, for a historical period and a future climate period. Our key finding is that the inclusion of soil moisture controls has diverging effects on both the speed and direction of projected decomposition rates (up to ± 20%), compared to a temperature-only approach. In the top soil, the majority of these changes is driven by substrate availability. In deeper soil layers, oxygen availability plays a relatively stronger role. Owing to these different moisture controls along the soil depth, our study highlights the need for depth-resolved inclusion of soil moisture effects on decomposition rates within ESMs. This is particularly important for C-rich soils in regions which may be subject to strong future warming and vertically opposing moisture changes, such as the peat soils at northern high latitudes.

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Wood growth phenology of temperate deciduous trees is less studied than leaf phenology, hindering the understanding of their interaction. In order to describe the variability of wood growth and leaf phenology across locations, species and years, we performed phenological observations of both xylem formation and leaf development in three typical temperate forest areas in Western Europe (Northern Spain, Belgium and Southern Norway) for four common deciduous tree species (Fagus sylvatica L., Betula pendula Roth., Populus tremula L. and Quercus robur L.) in 2018, 2019 and 2020, with only beech and birch being studied in the final year. The earliest cambial reactivation in spring occurred at the Belgian stands while the end of cambial activity and wood growth cessation generally occurred first in Norway. Results did not show much consistency across species, sites or years and lacked general patterns, except for the end of cambial activity, which occurred generally first in birch. For all species, the site variation in phenophases (up to three months) was substantially larger than the inter-annual variability (up to six weeks). The timeline of bud-burst and cambium reactivation, as well as of foliar senescence and cessation of wood growth, were variable across species even with the same type of wood porosity. Our results suggest that wood growth and leaf phenology are less well connected than previously thought. Linear models showed that temperature is the dominant driver of wood growth phenology, but with climate zone also having an effect, especially at the start of the growing season. Drought conditions, on the other hand, have a larger effect on the timing of wood growth cessation. Our comprehensive analysis represents the first large regional assessment of wood growth phenology in common European deciduous tree species, providing not only new fundamental insights but also a unique dataset for future modelling applications.


Reinsdyr grev etter næring under snøen, men gras og urter er dekte av is og hard snø. Klimaendringane pregar alt reindriftsnæringa- og kan endre ho radikalt på sikt.