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The influence of light quality on the proliferation of embryogenic tissue of three genotypes of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst), with different capacities for mature somatic embryo production, was studied.The proliferating tissues were subjected to light from commercially available light sources: Philips TLD Warm White 36W/29, Philips TLD Blue 18W/18, Philips TLD Red 36W/15, Osram L Fluora 36W/77 and Sylvania Far Red 7080, for 18 h a day with the photon flux (PAR) at 30 mol m-2 s-1.The effect of light quality on the growth of embryogenic tissue was strongly genotype dependent. In genotype 164-4 tissue proliferation was strongly inhibited by blue and red light. Genotype 86:52 reacted in a similar way, but not as strongly as 164-4, whereas the tissue of genotype 186-3 was almost insensitive to light quality and grew fast in all light conditions.


Structural changes in the sawmilling industry imply more wood transport as distance between sawmills is increasing. One of the factors that determines the potential for economies of scale is the trade-off between reduced production costs and increased transport costs. The methods used in this study are based on geometric properties of wood procurement areas.The effects of the distribution of forest (area coefficient) and the road net (winding coefficient) upon average transport distance was explored, and considerable regional variation was found.The transport net factor (t) is the product of the area coefficient (a) and the winding coefficient (w) and gives a relative measure of the potential for efficient procurement logistics with respect to the distribution of productive forest area and the road net. The transport net factor is estimated for two wood procurement areas in each of four regions.When studying the sawlogs procurement in regions with different density of sawlogs buyers, average transport distance increases relatively more in areas where several buyers are competing for a limited timber supply than in areas with few competitors.


Plants are sessile and have to adjust to the prevailing environmental conditions of their surroundings. This has led to a development of a great plasticity in gene regulation, morphogenesis, and metabolism. Adaptation and defence strategies involve the activation of genes encoding proteins important in the acclimation or defence towards the different stressors.Some of the molecular responses to biotic and abiotic stress factors such as pathogenic fungi or drought are specific, but it has also been shown that similar genes are acitvated by several stressors.At the Norwegian Forest Research Institute we are currently developing a diagnostic tool using the induction pattern of several selected genes from Norway spruce to use as a fingerprint for different types of biotic and abiotic stress. The ultimate goal of this project is to be able to identify unique mRNA expression patterns specific for different stressors such as heat, cold, drought, pathogens etc.In order to study the induction pattern expressed under biotic and abiotic stress, Norway spruce seedlings grown on glass beads in a phytotron we have treated with drought, a root pathogenic fungi (Rhizoctonia sp.), and a combination of drought and the root fungal pathogen.Physiological measurements of height, weight, ion leakage, gas exchange, and chlorophyll fluorescence are taken troughout the experiment. In addition, we have used light and electron microscopy, and immunolocalization to study structural cell and tissue changes. The results so far show great variance in the expression patterns between treatments and over time.

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The beetle fauna of 299 sporocarps of the bracket fungus Fomitopsis pinicola in a 200 ha spruce forest in southeastern Norway was investigated in relation to sporocarp, tree and forest variables. The sporocarps contained 36 species of beetles, of which six species are on the Norwegian Red List. Of 12,373 individual beetles collected, 91 % were Cis glabratus. Plots of species accumulation curves suggested that there may be more than 60 beetle species present in F. pinicola in the area, but that probably all the specialist Ciidae were found. The major factor influencing beetle diversity turned out to be the level of dead wood at and in the vicinity of the sampling site, with a higher number of species per unit volume of sporocarps in areas with high levels of dead wood. There were also significantly more red-listed species in those areas. Analysing the species occurrence with stepwise logistic regression, we show preferential habitat selection of the six most abundant species of Ciidae. Conservation of beetles associated with bracket fungi using amount of dead wood as a surrogate measurement is discussed.

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Overvåkingsprogram for skogskader (OPS) har vært i drift siden 1986. Formålet har vært å overvåke skogtilstanden i forhold til luftforurensninger. Registreringer blir utført i to landsdekkende flatenett og et nett av intensive overvåkingsflater. Skogens tilstand, basert på vurderinger av trekroner har i mange år vært nedadgående (redusert kronetetthet og flere misfargete trær), særlig for granskogen. Denne tendensen kan imidlertid være i ferd med å snu. Resultatene for de to siste årene har vist en liten forbedring. På landsbasis er det ikke registrert unormal avdøing av trær. Resultater fra skogøkologiske undersøkelser på intensivflater, som er representative for mye av skogen rundt om i Norge, viser at skogøkosystemet er stabilt og har en rimelig god status. Skogens helsetilstand avhenger i stor grad av jordsmonn, trealder, klima, skadegjørere og andre naturlige stressfaktorer. Når trær skranter skyldes dette ofte et samspill mellom alder, klima, voksestedsbetingelser og sjukdommer. Tilførsler av luftforurensninger vil komme i tillegg til, og i samspill med disse forholdene. Bidraget fra forurensningene er vanskelig å fastslå fordi denne påvirkningen oftest er svært liten i forhold til de andre forholdene. Men dette betyr ikke at luftforurensningnes mulige predisponerende betydning må utelukkes. I fremtiden vil trolig eventuelle utslag av et endret klima spille en større rolle.



Rapporten gir en oversik over omfang, driftmåter, økonomi m.m. av villsauholdet i Nordland. Drøfter muligheter og begrensninger for en slik driftsform i fylket.