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Rovdyrklaver, også kalt gaupeklaver, har vært benyttet på lam som forebyggende tiltak siden starten på 1990-tallet. Mange fylker har vært involvert i slike prosjekt, men det er kun i Buskerud, Sør-Trøndelag og i Nord-Trøndelag bruken av gaupeklaver har blitt fulgt opp i mer enn to år. Grunnen til at mange har avsluttet prosjektene sine etter ett til to år er mangel på en klar forebyggende effekt av tiltaket. Variasjonen i lammetap har vært stor både mellom områder og mellom år i samme område. Det samme gjelder variasjon i lammetap med hensyn på hvilken type klave som har blitt benyttet. Til tross for dette viser denne undersøkelsen at de aller fleste forsøkene har ført til at lam med klaver har hatt lavere dødelighet i forhold til lam uten klaver, både i og mellom besetninger.

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We have made and partially sequenced two subtracted cDNA libraries, one representing genes predominantly expressed in a tree from an early-flushing family of Norway spruce (early-flushing library; EFL) and the second from a late flushing family (late flushing library; LFL), during 4 weeks before bud burst. In the EFL, expressed sequence tags (ESTs) encoding proteins of the photosynthetic apparatus and energy metabolism and proteins related to stress (abiotic and biotic) and senescence were abundant. ESTs encoding metallothionein-like and histone proteins as well as transcription factors were abundant in the LFL. We used quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction to study the expression patterns of 25 chosen genes and observed that the highest levels of activity for most genes were present when plants were still ecodormant. The results indicate that the late flushing is not a result of a delay in gene activity, but is rather associated with an active transcriptional process. Accordingly, certain metabolic processes may be turned on in order to prevent premature flushing. We discuss the putative role of the studied genes in regulation of bud burst timing. Among the candidate genes found, the most interesting ones were the DNA-binding proteins, water-stress- related genes and metallothioneins. Expression patterns of some genes involved in chemical modification of DNA and histones indicate that epigenetic factors are involved in the timing of bud burst. In the obtained transcriptomes, we could not find genes commonly believed to be involved in dormancy and bud set regulation (PHY, CRY, ABI etc.) in angiosperm plants.


Den store hjortestamma på Vestlandet er ein viktig utmarksressurs som representerer store verdiar for grunneigarar i form av kjøt, jaktutleige og rekreasjon. Samstudes utøvar hjorten skadepress på innmark og skog, noko som gjer at reknestykket vert betydeleg meir komplisert. Resultata så langt syner at hjorten preferer eng med høgt innhald av timotei. Dette er den kvalitativt beste og økonomisk mest verdifulle enga, og hjorten vil ved si beiting endre artsamansettinga i desse engstykka. Dette påfører gardbrukarane ein økonomisk kostnad i form av avlingstap og forringa forkvalitet. Samstundes syner resultata òg at det er svært stor variasjon i skadeomfanget mellom gardbrukarane.



The potential as indicators of species richness were investigated for 178 species belonging to six ecologically defined species groups (epiphytic bryophytes on nutrient-rich bark, epiphytic macrolichens on nutrient rich bark, pendant lichens on conifer trees, bryophytes on siliceous rocks, bryophytes on dead conifer wood, and polypore fungi on dead conifer wood), using species data from 0.25 ha plots from three different coniferous forest areas (ca. 200 ha each). A species was defined as a potential indicator species for a species group within a study area if its distribution was statistically significantly nested within the species-plot matrix ranked according to species richness, and if the plot frequency of the species was less than 25%. Only two species were identified as potential indicators within all three areas and on average ≈80% of the potential indicator species were lost from one area to another. The results indicate that inconsistency between areas in the species’ frequency distributions and their position in nested hierarchies may strongly reduce the general predictive power of indicator species of species richness, even if significantly nested patterns are found at the community level. We suggest that indicators related to amount and quality of habitats may be an alternative to lists of indicator species of species richness.