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According to previous studies, short day (SD) treatment may increase frost hardiness in Picea abies (L.) Karst. seedlings during shoot elongation the next year. The purpose of this study was to examine how timing of the SD treatment affects spring frost hardiness. The following four treatments were applied in the first growth period: natural photoperiod (Nat), or SD treatment (8/16 h, day/night) either from 14-28 July (SD1), 28 July-11 August (SD2), or 11 20 August (SD3). After 125 days in the cold store (October-January), the seedlings were transferred to forcing conditions (20-25oC, 24 h photoperiod) followed by freezing tests at 3, -5, -7 and 9oC when most seedlings had reached bud break stage 7 (Krutzsch index). Seedling height measurements and analyses of carbohydrate status, nitrogen concentration and dry weight of needles after cold storage were done to examine the treatments` impact on seedling quality. SD treatment reduced visual freezing injury to current- and first-year shoots. Mortality occurred at –7 and –9oC and was significantly higher in treatments Nat and SD1 (43% in both) than in the SD2 (23%) and SD3 (15%) treatments. Seedlings from the late SD treatments also showed better height growth and developed more shoots from dormant buds after freezing to –3 and –5oC. Collectively, these findings demonstrate the importance of proper timing of the SD treatment in relation to the seedlings’ natural growth rhythm.


Kortdagsbehandling i planteskolene sikrer god innvintring og er derfor anbefalt før tidlig høstplanting av gran. Forsøk viser at kortdagsbehandling utført på riktig tidspunkt også forbedrer plantenes frosttoleranse i vekstfasen etter utplanting.


A method for quantitative determination of extractives from heartwood of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) using gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detection (FID) was developed. The limit of detection (LOD) was 0.03mg/g wood and the linear range (r=0.9994) was up to 10mg/g with accuracy within ±10% and precision of 18% relative standard deviation. The identification of the extractives was performed using gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The yields of extraction by Soxhlet were tested for solid wood, small particles and fine powder. Small particles were chosen for further analysis. This treatment gave good yields of the most important extractives: pinosylvin, pinosylvin monomethyl ether, resin acids and free fatty acids. The method is used to demonstrate the variation of these extractives across stems and differences in north–south direction.

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I denne rapporten er det vist og drøfta resultat frå ein serie proveniensforsøk med vanleg gran i Sør-Noreg. Formålet med undersøkinga var å prøve om granproveniensar frå Trøndelag og Nordland og høgt over havet på Austlandet og Sørlandet kan gje høgare juletreutbytte i låglandet i Sør-Noreg enn proveniensar som brukast i dag. Forsøksmaterialet omfattar 13 norske proveniensar, der seks var henta nordafjells og sju frå høgareliggjande strok sønnafjells, og dei to proveniensane Cv1 frå Noreg og Harz 7 frå Tyskland som kontrollar. Det var lagt ut eitt forsøksfelt i kommunane Steinkjer, Eid, Bergen, Stord, Hjelmeland, Lindesnes, Stokke og Nes i Akershus. Vurdering av juletrekvalitetar vart gjort ti til tolv vekstsesongar etter såing. På alle tre med høgd ein meter eller større, vart det registrert største trebreidd, tal greiner i øvste krans, tal internodiegreiner på fjorårstoppskotet og spisse greinvinklar, i tillegg til eventuelle skadar og feil. Feltet i Steinkjer fekk omfattande frostskadar dei siste åra og kunne derfor ikkje analyserast for anna enn overleving. Overlevinga var i gjennomsnitt 91 % for alle felt. Gjennomsnittleg juletreutbytte av alle overlevande tre var 55 %, med variasjon frå 33 % i Nes til 71 % i Stokke og Stord. Forskjellar i klima, markslag og topografi på vekseplassane er ein sannsynleg årsak til variasjon i juletreutbytte mellom felt. Feltet i Nes hadde flest tre med skeiv stamme, gankvist og dobbeltopp. Forskjellen i juletreutbytte mellom Stokke og Nes har ei sannsynleg forklaring i aukande frostfare innover i landet. Flyttinga av proveniensar frå nord mot sør og frå høgt over havet gav ikkje større juletreutbytte enn kontrollane. Ulik høgdevekst og ulikt greintal mellom proveniensane har ikkje gitt sikre forskjellar i juletreutbytte. Flytting frå stor høgd over havet til låglandet kan gje dårleg utbytte fordi trea får for dårleg vekst og utvikling. Ved bruk av granproveniensar til juletreplanting, bør dei same proveniensane som er tilrådd for skogproduksjon nyttast. Dette gir betre tryggleik for at trea toler klimaet på veksestaden.


When using chitosan as an antifungal agent in wood it is important to understand which factors contribute to a higher fixation ratio to optimize the utilization of chitosan, the active component. Small pine samples were impregnated with chitosan solutions varying in molecular weight, concentration, pH, polymerization agent, acid and degree of deacetylation. Different post-treatments such as time, temperature, moisture content and the effect of present air were applied to the samples to evaluate the effect on the relative retention. After impregnation, the samples, with a volume of 1.5 cm3, were leached in separate test-tubes according to EN-84. The samples were prepared in a paired design where both samples were impregnated, but only one was leached. Both leached and unleached samples were analysed for their chitosan content, and the relative ratio was used as a measure for the relative retention of chitosan during leaching. The results from these trials show that pH in the range of 5.1-5.9 is favourable. The molecular weight should be as high as possible yet able to penetrate the wood structure, and the use of acetic acid gives far better fixation than the use of hydrochloric acid.