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Norge har mange store innsjøer med muligheter for ådrive næringsfiske og matproduksjon basert på innlandsfiskeressursene.Næringsfisket har imidlertid mange økologiske og økonomiske flaskehalser som gjørlønnsom drift til litt av en utfordring. 


The OSCAR network was formed in 2005 and includes five Nordic forest research institutes Metla (Finland), Mesäteho (Finland), Skogforsk (Sweden), Skov & Landskab (Denmark) and Skog og Landskap (Norway) and SILAVA (Latvia). The network is open for all relevant research bodies in the Nordic and Baltic countries. OSCAR is one of five virtual centres of advanced research financed by the Nordic Forest Research Cooperation Committee (SNS). The main target of OSCAR is increasing the excellence and critical mass of R&D within the field of forest operations research by integrating research resources and expertise, besides promoting and developing efficient, competitive and environmentally friendly forest operation systems on a joint Nordic basis....


This paper builds on findings from the recently finalised work package 3.9 of the EU Indisputable Key project. Three institutes cooperated in developing intricate models spanning from the standing tree to the dispatch yard of a Swedish window manufacturer. Numerous timber properties were assigned to RFID tags, applied to the log at felling by a specially adapted harvester head. Logs were allocated to each of seven sawmills according to their timber properties using an LP based optimisation procedure. Simulation was then used to compare the fate of traced timber throughout the production lines of one of the sawmills and its downstream manufacturers.....


Trær og andre planter tilpasser seg endringer i klimaet. Bakom dette ligger det seleksjon og noen av genene det selekteres på har epigenetiske effekter, noe som gir økt fleksibilitet i graden man kan tilpasse seg forandringer. På Svalbard er det en rekke planter som er tilpasset de lokale forholdene i dag, og ved den estimerte klimaforandringen med høyere temperaturer, kan man forvente endringer i blomstringstid og at dvergbjørk og andre arter vil få økt utbredelse.


Four forest management systems, clear cutting, mountain forest selective cutting (50-90 % of volume removed), group system and single tree selection system (20-50 % of volume removed) were compared in two Norway spruce mountain forest stands. The sites are located 650 m.a.s.l., which is about 100 meter below the alpine tree line in this region. The background for this experiment was that the forest owner wanted to examine alternatives to clear cutting with silvicultural methods where some trees were left in the stand to protect regenerating against frost, to maintain biodiversity, and for recreational reasons in such areas close to the tree line. In twenty 400 m2 systematically sampled plots we assessed or measured vegetation type, regeneration, diameter of all trees > 2.5 dbh, tree heights, annual growth from increment cores, tree quality, old stumps and windthrows. In addition, time studies of the four harvesting methods were performed close to each other in the area. The following mean values were estimated in the two stands before cutting: Area 7 hectares, volume 170 m3/ha, mean diameter 23 cm, mean height 18 m, stems 550/ha, seedlings 150/ha, productivity 3 m3/ha/yr. The diameter distribution of the two stands was almost similar to a reverse J-shaped curve, but a larger amount of trees in some medium and large diameter classes were observed. However, most of the 230 m3 harvested trees were medium and large sized. Annual increment indicated growth reactions 3 years after harvesting. The operational costs were estimated according to time studies of the harvesting and extraction of 580 trees. Analyses of net present value, where bare land value and all future revenues and expenses were estimated and discounted backwards to the harvesting year, indicates less profitability for group selection and selection system than clear cutting and mountain forest selective cutting.


Hogstavfall er nøkkelen til økt satsing på bioenergi i Norge. Men vil dette påvirke bærekraften i skogøkosystemet og skogproduksjonen? Blir skogsjorda mer næringsfattig? Endres sammensetningen av arter i vegetasjonen? Vil artsmangfoldet bli redusert? Blir det mindre av de soppene som bryter ned planterester? Dette er noen av spørsmålene vi prøver å besvare gjennom prosjektet «Økologiske virkninger av økt biomasseuttak fra skog i Norge» (ECOBREM), som varer fra 2009 til 2013.