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Stadig flere nordmenn bor og jobber i byer og tettsteder. Behovet for nye bygninger er derfor stort, noe som medfører at grønne områder her er under konstant utbyggingspress. Samtidig har slike områder flere viktige funksjoner som ofte oversees i areal- og utbyggingsprosesser.


NIBIO har på oppdrag av Ringsaker kommune utført taksering av elgbeite i de skogkledde delene av kommunen i juni/juli 2016. Dette er en oppfølging av tilsvarende takst utført i 2015, med formål å kunne si noe om beiteproduksjon og beitepress på de enkelte jaktvald. NIBIO understreker at slike tall må brukes med forsiktighet på valdnivå, både fordi antall takstflater er få per vald og fordi det er ukjent i hvor stor grad elgens områdebruk følger valdgrenser. Tilbudet av buskbeite (lauv og furu) er lavt i alle vald sammenliknet med Østlandet for øvrig (listet fra størst til minst skuddproduksjon: Veldre, Furnes, Brøttum, RJFO, Nes), mens dekningen av beiteplanter i feltsjiktet følger Østlandet. Beitepresset (andel vinterbeita skudd) er også høyt i alle vald (listet fra størst til minst beitepress: RJFO, Veldre, Nes, Brøttum, Furnes), og trolig over de fleste planteartenes tålegrense.


One way to protect timber in service against basidiomycete deterioration is by means of acetylation via reaction with acetic anhydride. The reason why acetylated wood (WAc) is resistant against decay fungi is still not exactly understood. The aim of this study was to contribute to this field of science, and Postia placenta colonisation after 4, 12, 20, 28 and 36 weeks was observed at Three acetylation levels of Pinus spp. sapwood. Mass loss (ML) and wood moisture content (MC) data reflected the acetylation levels. The initial equilibrium MC (EMC) proved to be a good indicator of subsequent ML. Genomic DNA quantification showed P. placenta colonisation in all samples, also in samples where no ML were detectable. The number of expressed gene transcripts was limited, but the findings supported the results of previous studies: WAc seems to have some resistance against oxidative mechanisms, which are part of the metabolism of P. placenta. This leads to a delay in decay initiation, a delay in Expression of genes involved in enzymatic depolymerisation, and a slower decay rate. The magnitudes of these effects are presented for each acetylation level. The data also imply that there is no absolute decay threshold at high acetylation levels, but instead a significant delay of decay initiation and a slower decay rate.


Large areas of cultivated grasslands are annually abandoned and no longer used for production in Norway. Such areas will over time be encroached by shrubs and trees. Knowing that access to spring and autumn pastures is a limiting factor for sheep farmers, we tested the effect of grazing abandoned grassland on sheep production. We also assessed herbage production by looking at plant community development, pasture production, herbage quality and pasture utilization by sheep and heifers. The experiment was run for two consecutive years; 2014 and 2015. The sheep production was assessed by studying one sheep flock with 83(88) ewes(lambs) in 2014 and 77(106) ewes(lambs) in 2015, which was assigned each year with respect to age of ewe and number of lambs born to three treatments: 1) control; common farm procedure with short spring grazing period before summer grazing on range pasture, 2) spring extended; 4 weeks extended spring grazing period on abandoned cultivated grassland before summer grazing on range pasture, 3) whole season grazing on abandoned grassland. Assessment of herbage production was done by sheep grazing the whole area for one month in spring and autumn. During the summer, the area was assigned to three replicated treatments: a) control with no management, b) grazing heifers and c) grazing sheep with offspring. The stocking rate was 1.8 LU/ha, in both b and c, for a duration of one month. Pasture production and herbage intake was estimated using grazing exclosure cages. Weight gain from birth to autumn as well as slaughter weight were significantly (P<0.05) higher in lambs assigned to treatment 2 with four weeks extended spring grazing period (259 g/day and 15.7 kg) compared to treatment 1 (238 g/day and 14.3 kg) and treatment 3 (216 g/day and 13.2 kg). Herbage consumed during the summer period was on average 211 g DM/m2 and the pasture utilization was 55%. The annual consumption and utilization was 336 g DM/m2 and 62% in the grazed treatments and 28 g DM/m2 and 15% in the control, respectively. Total annual pasture production was on average 72% higher in the grazed treatments compared to the control. There was no difference between the grazed treatments on annual herbage production, herbage intake or pasture utilization. The use of abandoned cultivated grassland for extended spring grazing improved weight gain and slaughter weight of lambs. Further, grazing stimulated herbage production