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Root rot in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) causes substantial economic losses to the forestry sector. In this study, we developed a probability model for decay at breast height utilizing 18,141 increment cores sampled on temporary plots of the Norwegian National Forest Inventory. The final model showed a good fit to the data and retained significant relationships between decay and a suite of tree, stand and site variables, including diameter at breast height, stand age, altitude, growing season temperature sum (threshold 5°C), and vegetation type. By comparing model predictions with recorded decay at stump height in an independent data set, we estimated a proportionality function to adjust for the inherent underestimation of total rot that will be obtained by applying a probability model derived from increment cores sampled at breast height. We conclude that the developed model is appropriate for national and regional scenario analyses in Norway, and could also be useful as a tool for operational forestry planning. This would however require further testing on independent data, to assess how well the new model predicts decay at local scales.


For å kontrollere at miljøhensyn ivaretas i forbindelse med hogst har skogbruksmyndighetene siden 1994 gjennomført en årlig resultatkontroll blant et tilfeldig utvalg skogeiere. En gjennomgang av status og utviklingstrekk fra kontrollen tyder på en positiv utvikling for enkelte av variablene som omfattes av kontrollene, slik som omfang av arealer med miljøregistreringer før hogst. Omfanget av lukkede hogster synes har derimot hatt en nedadgående trend de senere årene.