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Composting and anaerobic digestion are the most common ways to treat organic residues. Sometimes the organic rest after anaerobic digestion is also composted. In this study we investigated greenhouse gas emissions from composting raw food waste compared to composting solid digestate of food waste. Cumulative methane emissions over 3 weeks were found to be almost 12 times higher from composting digested food waste than from raw food waste suggesting that the microbial community transferred from the anaerobic digestion to the compost process enhanced these emissions. Cumulative nitrous oxide emissions were also higher when composting solid digestate was compared to composting raw food waste, but the global warming potential was mostly driven by the impact of methane emissions. In conclusion, methane production during digestate composting can be high, therefore eliminating methane producing microbes in digestate before composting could be a promising way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Vi har fått en ny regjering som har gitt etter for landbrukets krav om at drøvtyggerne våre ikke skal ilegges klimaavgift. Men hva om det snille lammet får juling i Brussel fordi ikke alle beregninger som skal brukes i forbrukerrettet miljømerking er samme ulla?