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På oppdrag fra Bane NOR har NIBIO overvåket vannkvalitet i resipienter som kan motta avrenning fra anleggsarbeider i forbindelse med utbygging av Follobanen. NIBIO har driftet opptil 10 målestasjoner utstyrt med multiparametersensorer for automatisk overvåking av vannkvalitet. I tillegg har det blitt tatt ut vannprøver ved opptil 15 stasjoner og utført biologiske undersøkelser ved opptil seks stasjoner. Overvåkingen har pågått i vannforekomster nedstrøms riggområdet på Åsland og i Alna i Oslo, i bekker sør for stasjonsområdet på Ski, langs anleggsområdet mellom Ski og Langhus, samt ved Sagdalsbekken i Langhus. Årsrapporten omfatter alle resultater samlet inn på disse stasjonene i 2020 og har blitt sammenlignet med tidligere resultater.

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Sorption to cheap sorbents can be used to concentrate nutrients from liquid waste streams and make them into fertilisers. In this study we assess how plant available is ammonium nitrogen (N) sorbed to three sorbents, and if the potential for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions after a non-growing season is affected by sorption. Ammonium-N labelled with N15 was sorbed to biochar, bentonite and zeolite. Treatments where N was sorbed and where N and sorbents were applied separately were tested in a pot experiment with wheat, and soil samples were then frozen and dried to simulate non-growing seasons. After thawing and re-wetting, GHG emissions from the soil were assessed. There was no difference between sorption treatments in biomass or N uptake or fertiliser N left in the soil, and little difference between sorption treatments in gas emissions after the non-growing seasons was seen. We conclude that ammonium applied sorbed to these sorbents is as plant available as ammonium applied the conventional way. GHG emissions at the beginning of the next season are also not affected by ammonium applied sorbed.

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The Environmental Effects Assessment Panel of the Montreal Protocol under the United Nations Environment Programme evaluates effects on the environment and human health that arise from changes in the stratospheric ozone layer and concomitant variations in ultraviolet (UV) radiation at the Earth’s surface. The current update is based on scientific advances that have accumulated since our last assessment (Photochem and Photobiol Sci 20(1):1–67, 2021). We also discuss how climate change affects stratospheric ozone depletion and ultraviolet radiation, and how stratospheric ozone depletion affects climate change. The resulting interlinking effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation, and climate change are assessed in terms of air quality, carbon sinks, ecosystems, human health, and natural and synthetic materials. We further highlight potential impacts on the biosphere from extreme climate events that are occurring with increasing frequency as a consequence of climate change. These and other interactive effects are examined with respect to the benefits that the Montreal Protocol and its Amendments are providing to life on Earth by controlling the production of various substances that contribute to both stratospheric ozone depletion and climate change.


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Continued anthropogenic environmental change is wreaking havoc on natural populations, with the stresses and pulses of induced ecological processes affecting a species' local habitat, resulting in inadvertent distribution shifts, hybridization events, and eventual biodiversity loss. It is more critical than ever to monitor the unintended consequences of human activity on not only natural populations, but also community structures and ecosystems. DNA-based (genetic and genomic) monitoring is a critical component of biodiversity monitoring because it allows for the tracking and quantification of temporal changes in population genetic metrics or other population data. Genetic/genomic monitoring enables the estimation of a variety of biological parameters, including demographic parameters (abundance, occupancy, hybridization, and disease status), population genetic parameters (genetic diversity, structure, and effective population size), and responses to anthropogenic selective pressures (exploitation, biological invasions, and climate change). This keynote address will highlight the practical implications of integrating genetic data into management, conservation objectives, and policymaking, as well as capacity building through international partnerships, using case studies from the Norwegian Barents Region.


Basisovervåkingen ‘ØKOFERSK – delprogram Nord’ omfattet 8 innsjøer, der tre er overvåket i 2017 og 2019, tre er overvåket i 2019 og to er overvåket for første gang i 2021. Alle de overvåkede innsjøene er angitt som potensielle referansesjøer. Resultatene viser at Magistervannet var i moderat tilstand, og at tilstanden var bestemt av planteplankton. De øvrige syv innsjøene var i god eller svært god tilstand. Samlet tilstand er angitt som ganske sikker for tre innsjøer, fordi datagrunnlaget er fra tre års overvåking, nokså usikker for tre innsjøer og svært usikker for to innsjøer.

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Land use and management affect soil hydrological processes, and the impacts can be further enhanced and accelerated due to climate change. In this study, we analyzed the possible long-term effects of different land use types on soil hydrological processes based on future climatic scenarios. Soil moisture and temperature probes were installed at four land use sites, a cropland, a vineyard, a meadow, and a forest area. Based on modeling of long-term changes in soil water content (SWC) using the HYDRUS 1D model, we found that changes in precipitation have a more pronounced effect on soil water content than changes in air temperature. Cropland is at the highest risk of inland water and SWC values above field capacity (FC). The number of days when the average SWC values are above FC is expected to increase up to 109.5 days/year from the current 52.4 days/year by 2081–2090 for the cropland. Our calculations highlight that the forest soil has the highest number of days per year where the SWC is below the wilting point (99.7 days/year), and based on the worst-case scenario, it can increase up to 224.7 days/year. However, general scenario-based estimates showed that vineyards are the most vulnerable to projected climate change in this area. Our study highlights the limitations of potential land use change for specific agricultural areas, and emphasizes the need to implement water retention measures to keep these agricultural settings sustainable.