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Nitrogen is among the most important plant nutrients, and the effects on forest trees of changes in the concentrations and fluxes of both inorganic and organic nitrogen need to be known. In Norway, much of the nitrogen present in natural waters is organic (Mulder et al., 2000), therefore this fraction can not be neglected. Work using glycine has shown that forest plants can take up some forms of organic nitrogen directly, without preliminary mineralisation (Nsholm et al., 1998).Amino acids and amino sugars appear to be the most important organic sources of nitrogen for plants, including Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) (Johnsson et al., 1999). Organic nitrogen occurs in different forms. In soils, the most important are heterocyclic compounds and amino acids (35 % and 40 % respectively, Schulten and Schnitzer, 1998). In soil waters, amino sugars may also be important (Michalzik and Matzner, 1999).At present, organic nitrogen is normally determined as the difference between total nitrogen and the sum of nitrogen in nitrate and ammonium. This is not entirely satisfactory, as there will be a certain amount of uncertainty in each of the three determinations required. The total uncertainty involved in the determination of organic nitrogen may then be quite large compared to the actual concentration, especially when most nitrogen is present as inorganic nitrogen.A method for the direct determination of organic nitrogen is therefore desirable. Because organic nitrogen generally has a higher molecular weight than inorganic nitrogen, it might be possible to separate organic from inorganic nitrogen using size fractionation methods. In 1998, we worked on the setting up of methods for the determination of amino acids and amino sugars in soil waters, and on the direct determination of organic nitrogen using equilibrium dialysis.