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Biochar, derived from organic waste via pyrolysis, is proposed as a soil amendment in the early twenty-first century. In this chapter, we summarize the great potential of pure biochar application in food production, soil fertility improvement, plant disease suppression, climate change mitigation, and heavy metal contamination control, based on field experiments globally. However, large-scale pure biochar implementation is restricted by high cost in terms of high price and application rate. The difficulty of biochar application using machines further reduces the farmers’ willingness to use biochar. Based on the experience of biochar usage in China, we propose a framework for large-scale implementation of industrialized biochar. Biochar can be developed into three products including liquid fertilizer, biochar-based organic fertilizer, and inorganic fertilizer. The soluble components in biochar after water extraction or in the wood vinegar during biochar production can be used to develop liquid fertilizer and used in fruit and vegetable growing. For fertile soils, biochar-based inorganic fertilizer is recommended for use instead of pure biochar. For degraded soils, biochar-based organic fertilizer is recommended to improve soil structure and provide nutrients for crops. Pure biochar is recommended to apply to heavy metal contaminated soil to decrease their uptake by crops.

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Black soil is a major agricultural soil in China. Based on published research papers and related research, this chapter reviews the composition, diversity, and ecological functions of farmland soil microbial communities in black soil areas of China. The aim is to summarize the main groups of soil microorganisms in black soil farmland, the ecological processes they participate in, their responses to environmental factors, and the main environmental indicators, and then put forward the importance of isolation and cultivation of indigenous functional microbial strains, so as to provide a basis for the protection and sustainable use of black soil resources.

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Lignosulphonates are water-soluble polymeric by-products from wood pulp production using sulphite pulping and can be used as soil amendments in agriculture, amongst other uses. Here, we review effects of lignosulphonates as biostimulants and in enhancing the action of fertilizers. In soils, they affect the nitrogen and phosphorous cycles, as well as acting as transporters of micronutrients. The action of tree-associated fungi can be improved, and plant growth and yield can be increased. The beneficial effects of lignosulphonates in agriculture mean that there is likely to be a market for commercial specialty lignosulphonate products.


Program for jord- og vannovervåking i landbruket (JOVA) ledes av NIBIO divisjon for miljø og naturressurser og gjennomføres i samarbeid med Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse, flere av forskningsstasjonene i NIBIO og andre institusjoner. JOVA overvåker jordbruksdominerte nedbørfelt over hele landet, og feltene representerer ulike driftsformer og ulike jordbunns-, hydrologiske og klimatiske forhold. JOVA rapporterer årlig om jordbruksdrift, avrenning og tap av partikler, næringsstoffer og plantevernmidler for hvert nedbørfelt. Tap av partikler og næringsstoffer rapporteres for agrohydrologisk år, 1. mai – 1. mai, og tap av plantevernmidler for kalenderår.


Program for jord- og vannovervåking i landbruket (JOVA) ledes av NIBIO divisjon for miljø og naturressurser og gjennomføres i samarbeid med Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse, flere av forskningsstasjonene i NIBIO og andre institusjoner. JOVA overvåker jordbruksdominerte nedbørfelt over hele landet, og feltene representerer ulike driftsformer og ulike jordbunns-, hydrologiske og klimatiske forhold. JOVA rapporterer årlig om jordbruksdrift, avrenning og tap av partikler, næringsstoffer og plantevernmidler for hvert nedbørfelt. Tap av partikler og næringsstoffer rapporteres for agrohydrologisk år, 1. mai – 1. mai, og tap av plantevernmidler for kalenderår.

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Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) losses via agricultural drainage water have negative impacts on receiving water bodies and large-scale programmes to reduce nutrient losses have been established in the Nordic and Baltic countries, together with agricultural catchment monitoring programmes. This study evaluated time series (9–40 years) of data from 34 selected Nordic-Baltic catchments for spatial and temporal variations in area-specific water discharge (mm) and in concentrations and transport of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP). Water discharge from the catchments varied from 125 mm (Denmark) to > 1000 mm (Norway). Catchments with low TN concentrations (≤3 mg L-1) were dominated by clay or grass leys or were undrained with reduction of nitrate (NO3) in shallow groundwater. Catchments with high TN concentrations (≥10 mg L-1) had loams and cereal crops. TP concentrations were highest (≥0.45 mg L-1) in catchments with erosive soils, relatively high water discharge and cereal crops, and lowest (≤0.07 mg L-1) in catchments with permeable soils. Generalised additive mixed model (GAMM) analysis of time series of transport and flow-weighted concentrations of TN and TP for temporal patterns revealed decreases in TN concentrations in seven catchments and increases in eight, while four had periods with opposing trends. TN concentrations decreased in Denmark and Sweden in 1990–2010, following introduction of mitigation programmes. TP concentrations decreased in eight catchments and increased in six, while one showed opposing trends. Decreases in TP coincided with improved P balance in catchments with sand and loam. To further reduce N and P losses, a tailored set of mitigation measures is needed for each combination of soil, climate, geohydrology and agricultural production. Intensive monitoring of small catchments can reveal how N and P losses relate to natural conditions and to changes in agricultural production.

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Denne rapporten er skrevet på oppdrag fra Rana kommune for å sammenstille resultater fra vannprøver tatt i Vollaelva i Lurøy kommune i perioden 09.06.2022-10.10.2022. Undersøkelsen inkluderte kjemiske analyser av totalnitrogen (TN) og totalfosfor (TP), samt mikrobiologiske analyser av Escherichia coli (E. coli). Vannkvaliteten i Vollaelva ved prøvepunktet i overvåkingsperioden indikerer svært dårlig tilstand (jf. Vannforskriften) grunnet høye fosforkonsentrasjoner i elva. Mikrobiologiske analyser viser at det forekom betydelige tilførsler av fekal forurensning, som kan stamme fra husdyrgjødsel og utslipp av avløpsvann. Det har betydning for fosforkonsentrasjoner og den hygieniske tilstanden i elva.