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The demand for animal protein has increased considerably worldwide, especially in China, where large numbers of livestock and poultry are produced. Antibiotics have been widely applied to promote growth and prevent diseases. However, the overuse of antibiotics in animal feed has caused serious environmental and health risks, especially the wide spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which seriously affects animal and human health, food safety, ecosystems, and the sustainable future development of animal protein production. Unfortunately, AMR has already become a worldwide challenge, so international cooperation is becoming more important for combatting it. China’s efforts and determination to restrict antibiotic usage through law enforcement and effective management are of significance. In this review, we address the pollution problems of antibiotics; in particular, the AMR in water, soil, and plants caused by livestock and poultry manure in China. The negative impact of widespread and intensive use of antibiotics in livestock production is discussed. To reduce and mitigate AMR problems, we emphasize in this review the development of antibiotic substitutes for the era of antibiotic prohibition.


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Background Bioenergy plays a key role in the transition to a sustainable economy in Europe, but its own sustainability is being questioned. We study the experiences of Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway, to find out whether the forest-based bioenergy chains developed in the four countries have led to unsustainable outcomes and how the countries manage the sustainability risks. Data were collected from a diversity of sources including interviews, statistical databases, the scientific literature, government planning documents and legislation. Results Sustainability risks of deforestation, degradation of forests, reduced carbon pools in forests, expensive biopower and heat, resource competition, and lack of acceptance at the local level are considered. The experience of the four countries shows that the sustainability risks can to a high degree be managed with voluntary measures without resorting to prescriptive measures. It is possible to add to the carbon pools of forests along with higher harvest volumes if the risks are well managed. There is, however, a marginal trade-off between harvest volume and carbon pools. Economic sustainability risks may be more challenging than ecological risks because the competitiveness order of renewable energy technologies has been reversed in the last decade. The risk of resource competition harming other sectors in the economy was found to be small and manageable but requires continuous monitoring. Local communities acting as bioenergy communities have been agents of change behind the most expansive bioenergy chains. A fear of non-local actors reaping the economic gains involved in bioenergy chains was found to be one of the risks to the trust and acceptance necessary for local communities to act as bioenergy communities. Conclusions The Nordic experience shows that it has been possible to manage the sustainability risks examined in this paper to an extent avoiding unsustainable outcomes. Sustainability risks have been managed by developing an institutional framework involving laws, regulations, standards and community commitments. Particularly on the local level, bioenergy chains should be developed with stakeholder involvement in development and use, in order to safeguard the legitimacy of bioenergy development and reconcile tensions between the global quest for a climate neutral economy and the local quest for an economically viable community. Keywords: Bioenergy, Sustainability, Risk assessment, Risk management, Nordic countries


Sør-Varanger kommune i Øst-Finnmark har vært utsatt for luftforurensning fra russisk smelteverksindustri siden 1930-tallet, særlig fra smelteverket i byen Nikel som ligger bare ca. 10 km øst for den norske-russiske grensen ved Svanvik i Pasvikdalen. I tillegg til svoveldioksid inneholder utslippene store mengder tungmetaller, særlig kobber og nikkel. Formålet med denne undersøkelsen var å kartlegge tungmetallinnholdet i multer og blåbær og sammenligne nivået med tidligere studier. Resultatene fra innsamling i 2020 viser et tydelig geografisk mønster i innholdet av nikkel i blåbær og multer med til dels betydelig høyere konsentrasjoner i de delene av grenseområdet som er mest utsatt for forurensing. For kobber var variasjonsmønsteret mindre tydelig. På nær alle flater der vi har gjentak over tid finner vi også høyere konsentrasjoner av kobber og nikkel i 2020 enn i 1992, og 2008. Tidlig i 2020 kunngjorde russiske myndigheter at smelteverket i Nikel ville bli stengt i løpet av året. Bærinnsamlingen i 2020 er den mest fullstendige som er foretatt på norsk side i grenseområdet og er derfor et godt utgangspunkt for å overvåke tungmetallnivåene etter at smelteverket i Nikel er lagt ned.