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Didemnum vexillum is colonial sea squirt, a marine species which originates from the northwest Pacific; it was first recorded in Norway in November 2020. Didemnum vexillum is an alien species, meaning that it is a species that has been transferred from its original region to other regions of the world through human activity, and it had not previously been recorded in Norwegian waters. The species is regarded as having great invasive potential and having strong negative ecological effects on biodiversity. It is also considered to pose a risk to marine industries such as shipping and aquaculture, with possible major negative economic impacts.

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VKM has evaluated the risk to biodiversity from allowing private import and keeping of the Northern Cardinal as a caged bird in Norway, for birds acquired through the bird trade. VKM has reviewed the invasion ecology of non-native birds in general and of the Northern Cardinal specifically. The assessment includes evaluation of various mechanisms that invasive birds generally have a negative impact through, and includes competition, hybridization, spread of pathogens and interactions with other alien species in Norway. VKM has also evaluated two different scenarios establishment and how climate change can influence both the negative impact and the likelihood of establishment. Overall, VKM finds that there is low risk in regards negative effects on biodiversity in Norway in regard to import and keeping of the Northern Cardinal.

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VKM has evaluated to what extent keeping of cats pose a risk to biodiversity in Norway. Risks were assessed separately for threats to biodiversity from direct predation, indirect (non-lethal) effects, competition with other wildlife and spread of infectious organisms. VKM also assessed the risk of reduced animal welfare related to the keeping of domestic cats, both for the cats and their prey. In addition, VKM has assessed a range of risk-reducing measures aimed at minimizing the risk for negative impacts on biodiversity and animal welfare. Overall, VKM find that the risk of negative impact on vulnerable birds and red-listed mammalian species are high under certain conditions. VKM also find that there is a considerable risk associated with increased spread of infectious organisms from cats to wildlife and other domestic species. Some of these infectious organisms may also infect humans. With respect to mitigation measures, VKM concludes that measures focused on limiting cats’ access to prey populations are likely to yield the most positive outcomes in terms of mitigating the adverse impact on biodiversity.


Denne rapporten omhandler sanking, kultivering, høsting og bruk av ville spiselige vekster i fjellandbruket og presenterer resultater fra intervjuer med næringsaktører, fra et webinar og fra en litteraturstudie om bærekraftig høsting og dyrking av ville spiselige vekster. Målet med arbeidet er å bidra med et kunnskapsgrunnlag som kan tilrettelegge for næringsutvikling i fjellandbruket gjennom bærekraftig utnyttelse av ville spiselige planteressurser. Resultatene viser at sanking, dyrking og bruk kan bidra til lokal næringsutvikling, men at det finnes en del forhold som kan begrense mulighetsrommet. Noen av disse er: (i) høye krav til kunnskap om plantene og voksemåte, om det lokale natur- og ressursgrunnlaget og bærekraftig høsting og om hvordan ivareta ferskhet og kvalitet på råvaren, (ii) det kan være vanskelig å oppnå lønnsomhet fordi utsalgsprisen ofte ikke dekker kostnadene til tidkrevende plukking, emballasje og transport, og til å skaffe nye kunder og holde på etablerte, (iii) dårlig tilpassede, få og/eller kostbare løsninger for distribusjon, transport og markedsadgang, kan gjøre det vanskelig å omsette ville vekster og ivareta kvalitet og ferskhet og (iv) enkelte typer lovverk, f.eks. det såkalte «Ny mat» (Novel Food) regelverket som kun tillater salg av viltvoksende planter hvis det kan dokumenteres at de har vært i bruk før 1997, kan føre til at mange viltvoksende vekster ikke kan omsettes innenfor de kravene som settes.