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This paper aims to provide an overview of ecperience for sustainable water management in Norway. It covers professional areas of integrated water management incliding urban stormwater management, hydropower development and environmental protection, hydrological data collection and flood control, soil erosion and control measures from agricultural areas, ecosystem conservation in river catchments and sediment transportation, and the long-term development of climate change.


Bioforsk er engasjert for å etterprøve flomanalyse foretatt av Multiconsult etter utbygging av ny E6 forbi Taraldrud, fordi det i et område ved gårdsveien stadig ble registrert oversvømmelser. Gjennomgangen viste at modellverktøyet var brukt korrekt, og alle endringer i avrenningsfaktor og nedbørfelt var tatt inn ved beregningene. Konklusjonen om at utvidelsen av E6 ikke ga signifikant økning av flommer i problemområdet kan støttes av Bioforsk. Alle avvik som ble funnet viste mindre økning enn det som var angitt i Multiconsults opprinnelige beregning, fordi deler av nedbørfeltet var ført ut av området via rensesystemer. Flommene må ut fra dette ha andre årsaker enn veiutbyggingen, som for eksempel feilplassert kulvert, nedsynking av veilegeme eller dårlig kanalvedlikehold og tette rister.


Climate changes will increase the frequency of extreme precipitation events, floods and snow melt periods experienced by the infrastructure. According to initial analysis by the Norwegian transport sector these changes will affect road maintenance, emergency planning, design of new roads and infrastructure. Increased frequency of floods is expected to cause more closed roads because of insufficient and badly maintained drainage systems. Increased ground frost and ice formation on ground surface cause large increases in surface runoff during snowmelt. Recently, in Norway the ClimRunoff project has started with the focus on quantifying discharge of catchment areas draining towards roads. The first priority of the project is to create a model that can evaluate the run-off situations under spring situation (i.e. overland flow due to snowmelt and partially frozen soils). The model is tested on a well-defined catchment under autumn situation. Preliminary results of the model calculations will be presented, together with the challenges to alter the model to be able to calculate snowmelt and frozen soil conditions. In close cooperation with the Norwegian road authorities, areas with historical flooding events are selected, and current and future climate data will be used to analyse the infrastructure of the road construction. Together with a risk analysis of the vulnerability of the transport infrastructure the model will be used to create guidelines for


In the north-western European countries Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland, variability in the forms, amounts and timing of phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural land is related to national differences in climate, soil, hydrological conditions and agricultural production. The dissolved form of P constitutes 9"93% of the total phosphorus (TP) in water, subsurface drainage can contribute 12"60% and surface erosion 40"88% of TP transfer. TP export in small agricultural streams is generally in the range 0.3"6 kg ha)1 year)1, with the highest losses in Norway and UK. All four countries are complying with the EU Water Framework Directive and developing a range of measures based on P source with transport controls over P losses. A decreasing trend in TP losses has been detected in agricultural streams following the introduction of measures to reduce erosion in Norway. Average P concentrations in Swedish streams have shown a reduction of nearly 2% per year since 1993 as a result of measures introduced in southern Sweden. However, in two large rivers in agricultural regions of Sweden, the concentrations of suspended solids (SS) and TP were shown to increase by 0.4% and 0.7% per year, respectively, over the period 1975"2004, possibly as a result of climate change. It is too early to detect trends in agricultural contributions to P in surface waters as a result of catchment-sensitive farming (CSF) in the UK and Ireland.