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På oppdrag for Vannområdeutvalget for Morsa har Bioforsk og NIVA i perioden fra oktober 2008 til oktober 2009 utført overvåking av Vansjø og dens tilførselselver/-bekker, samt seks andre innsjøer i nedbørfeltet. Undersøkelsene er finansiert av Klima- og forurensingsdirektoratet (Klif).



Within the scope of the ClimRunoff project, it is necessary to develop an accurate method for estimating peak discharges for the purpose of correctly sizing hydraulic structures at road and rail crossings. The presence of a snowpack and/or ice has an impact on the way the watershed will react to rain events. The first step in understanding the effects of the changing climate is to understand the reaction of the catchment to situations that are happening in today"s climate. After correctly modeling the processes currently occurring during cold seasons today, future scenarios can be modeled to see what effects changes in precipitation patterns and temperatures will have on catchment hydrology. The overall goal of this work is to provide an accurate estimate of runoff water produced from snowmelt on a catchment scale in order to support the development of more accurate methods of estimating peak discharge for road drainage structures. Use is made of the Utah Energy Balance model and the LISEM model. The coupling of the UEB and LISEM models provides valuable insight into the hydrological processes and responses occurring during winter periods. However, more work is needed to improve our understanding and quantification of soil-water interactions during cold periods, which can cause great deviations from hydrologic processes observed during warmer periods.