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Rapporten gir en oversikt over resultater fra overvåking av bekker, elver og innsjøer i Vannområde Morsa i perioden 1. november 2020 – 31. oktober 2021. Resultatene inkluderer oversikt over konsentrasjoner av næringsstoffer og suspendert sediment i alle stasjoner, samt tarmbakterier i elver og bekker, og klorofyll og algetellinger i innsjøer. Et faktaark oppsummerer resultatene (Vedlegg 7).


Answers to survey asking for suggestions for new products in EU's new regulation for fertilisers. Fish sludge is suggested as material in compost and digestate, and a summary with references is provided.


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Arbeidet har sett på muligheten for å overføre dagens metodikk for «klimagassframskrivninger i jordbrukssektoren» til «avrenning av næringsstoffer til vann fra jordbruksaktivitet og økologisk tilstand i vannforekomster». Jordbruk og vannmiljø er brukt som eksempel for å vurdere hvorvidt metoder som benyttes nasjonalt og internasjonalt i klimaarbeidet kan brukes for å utvikle kunnskapsgrunnlaget og verktøykassen for styring av oppnåelse av flere klima- og miljømål i 2030 og 2050. Vi har vurdert at det er faglig mulig å utarbeide framskrivninger for avrenning av næringsstoffer fra jordbrukssektoren. For å kunne utarbeide slike framskrivninger er det imidlertid behov for å tilpasse konseptet til vannforvaltningen og videreutvikle både datagrunnlag og modellverktøy. Vi anbefaler derfor at det igangsettes et arbeid for å utvikle modellverktøy og teste ut konseptet i noen pilotområder. Det bør i denne sammenheng også vurderes hvor ressurs- og kompetansekrevende det vil være for forvaltningen å lage slike framskrivninger.


Deliverable 2.5. This report contributes to the EJP SOIL roadmap for climate-smart sustainable agricultural soil management and research by identifying current policy targets and realizations and setting soil service aspirational goals by 2050 at the regional/national (Chapter 2) and European scale (Chapter 3). At both scales, the report is based on a desk study of current agricultural soil related policies, followed by a stakeholder consultation. Twenty countries/regions have contributed to the regional/national analyses and 347 different stakeholders have provided their views on soil policy. The policy analysis demonstrates that large differences exist between the number of policy targets per soil challenge. In general, the soil challenge ‘Maintaining/increasing soil organic carbon’ can be considered as the most important soil challenge taking into account both the policies of the participating countries and of the EU level. This soil challenge not only has (one of) the largest share(s) of quantitative and qualitative targets, but also has a large share of the targets for which an indicator and monitoring is in progress or existing. At the EU level, ‘Avoiding contamination’ is also particularly high addressed in policy documents. In the participating countries, other very important soil challenges in policy are ‘Enhance nutrient retention/use efficiency’, ‘Avoid soil erosion’ and ‘Avoid soil contamination’. These soil challenges comprise a large share of soil- and agricultural soil specific targets. However, despite the large number of policy targets, identified by the participating EJP SOIL countries, there is still a shared need for appropriate clear (quantified) policy targets with a specific time horizon, well-defined indicators and a monitoring systems. Similar results are found at the EU level. Policy targets addressing soil challenges are mostly not expressed in quantitative terms and indicators for monitoring policy targets with references to soil challenges were identified for less than half of the cases. From the stakeholder consultations, it becomes clear that for all soil challenges there is still a way to go before future aspirational goals will be met. Generally, when averaging between all countries, the gap between current policy targets and realizations is for most soil challenges considered between large and halfway in reaching the current policy targets and for most soil challenges current policy targets are regarded almost- to- far from being futureproof. In the prioritization of soil challenges, stakeholders at the regional/country and European level, clearly marked maintaining/increasing SOC as the most relevant soil challenge in the upcoming decades. The stakeholders explain the key role of maintaining/increasing soil organic carbon through the multiple interactions with other soil challenges and for climate change mitigation. At the EU level, the second highest ranked prioritization is soil sealing, due to its irreversible nature. This is, however, not reflected at the country level, potentially due to a misinterpretation of soil sealing as compaction by part of the stakeholders. At the country level, enhancing soil nutrient retention/use efficiency was ranked 2nd in the prioritization exercise. Generally, there is an urgency for policy updates, because the current policy is considered unable to tackle the prominent soil challenges. In the report, also the soil related management practices to achieve the aspirational goals have been identified, both in the policy analysis and in the stakeholder consultation. The most prominent differences between policy and stakeholders, is in the emphasis on the use of buffer strips and small landscape elements in policy, while measures in this category are less highly ranked by the stakeholders. On the other hand, conservation agriculture, agro-ecological farming, precision agriculture, incorporation ........


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SoilCare er et femårig forskningsprosjekt finansiert av EUs Horisont2020-program som startet 1. mars 2016 og avsluttes 31. august 2021. Prosjektet er et samarbeid mellom 28 europeiske partnere med studieområder i 16 ulike europeiske land. Målet med prosjektet var å undersøke potensialet til jordforbedrende tiltak, samt identifisere og teste områdespesifikke jordforbedrende dyrkingssystemer med antatt positiv effekt på lønnsomhet og bærekraft i Europa. NIBIO er norsk partner i prosjektet, med studieområder på Østlandet (Viken og Innlandet), og har testet metoder for å bedre jordkvaliteten i Norge i samarbeid med Norges landbruksrådgivning (NLR). Denne samlerapporten beskriver arbeidsprosessene og oppsummerer resultater fra de norske studieområdene, med valg/prioritering av interessenter, idéverksteder for å identifisere årsaker til redusert jordkvalitet og mulige tiltak, utprøving av tiltak i feltforsøk, og medvirkning for å utvikle strategier for videre implementering, samt evaluering av resultater. Basert på resultatene fra studieområdene gis det følgende anbefalinger: utarbeide et mer fleksibelt system for økonomiske virkemidler, revidere de eksisterende virkemidlene og inkludere mer ambisiøse og langsiktige mål, lage målsettinger for jord og god jordforvaltning i eksisterende lovgivning, samt etablere mekanismer for effektiv kunnskapsformidling og utveksling.


Most studies on the effects of tillage operations documented the effects of tillage on losses through surface runoff. On flat areas, the subsurface runoff is the dominating pathway for water, soil and nutrients. This study presents results from a five-year plot study on a flat area measuring surface and subsurface runoff losses. The treatments compared were (A) autumn ploughing with oats, (B) autumn ploughing with winter wheat and (C) spring ploughing with spring barley (n = 3). The results showed that subsurface runoff was the main source for soil (67%), total phosphorus (76%), dissolved reactive phosphorus (75%) and total nitrogen (89%) losses. Through the subsurface pathway, the lowest soil losses occurred from the spring ploughed plots. Losses of total phosphorus through subsurface runoff were also lower from spring ploughing compared to autumn ploughing. Total nitrogen losses were higher from autumn ploughing compared to other treatments. Losses of total nitrogen were more influenced by autumn ploughing than by a nitrogen surplus in production. Single extreme weather events, like the summer drought in 2018 and high precipitation in October 2014 were crucial to the annual soil and nutrient losses. Considering extreme weather events in agricultural management is a necessary prerequisite for successful mitigation of soil and nutrient losses in the future.