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In order to encourage increased use of wood, different user groups need to be better informed regarding the variation in performance between different wood materials and the effect of different use classes. It is also important to provide good empirical data on the service life of wood products as input to for example life cycle assessment studies. In the current study the effect of temperature and moisture on the performance of different wood materials in laboratory decay trials was evaluated by different approaches and compared with field exposure data. The same materials were used throughout the different tests in order to reduce variation. The durability class allocation varied, as expected, between test fungi, climates, exposure times, and decay tests. This confirms that the durability classification of a material, and the ranking between materials, is not a fixed value that can be based on one single test. Interestingly, for the most durable materials and for Scots pine sapwood (low durability) the variation in durability classification seemed to be somewhat lower than for the materials with intermediate durability. A regression model approach was used in order to predict field performance from laboratory data. However, this approach was not successful and confirms that more sophisticated models are needed in order to make good predictions of service life.


One way to protect timber in service against basidiomycete deterioration is by means of acetylation via reaction with acetic anhydride. The reason why acetylated wood (WAc) is resistant against decay fungi is still not exactly understood. The aim of this study was to contribute to this field of science, and Postia placenta colonisation after 4, 12, 20, 28 and 36 weeks was observed at Three acetylation levels of Pinus spp. sapwood. Mass loss (ML) and wood moisture content (MC) data reflected the acetylation levels. The initial equilibrium MC (EMC) proved to be a good indicator of subsequent ML. Genomic DNA quantification showed P. placenta colonisation in all samples, also in samples where no ML were detectable. The number of expressed gene transcripts was limited, but the findings supported the results of previous studies: WAc seems to have some resistance against oxidative mechanisms, which are part of the metabolism of P. placenta. This leads to a delay in decay initiation, a delay in Expression of genes involved in enzymatic depolymerisation, and a slower decay rate. The magnitudes of these effects are presented for each acetylation level. The data also imply that there is no absolute decay threshold at high acetylation levels, but instead a significant delay of decay initiation and a slower decay rate.


Modified wood can provide protection against a range of wood deteriorating organisms. Several hypotheses have been put forward regarding the protection mechanisms against wood decaying fungi including fungal enzyme inefficiency due to non-recognition, lower micropore size, and insufficient wood moisture content. The aim of this study was to obtain new insight into the protection manner of furfuryl alcohol (FA) modified Scots pine sapwood (WFA), and to examine biochemical mechanisms and adaptive changes in gene expression utilised by Postia placenta during early colonisation of WFA. Samples were harvested after 2, 4, and 8 weeks of incubation. After 8 weeks, the mass loss (0.1%) and wood moisture content (21.0%) was lower inWFA, than in non-modified Scots pine sapwood samples (W), 26.1% and 46.1%, respectively. Microscopy revealed needle-shaped calcium oxalate crystals, at all harvesting points, most prominently present after 4 and 8 weeks, and only in the WFA samples. Among the findings based on gene profiles were indications of a possible shift toward increased expression, or at least no down regulation, of genes related to oxidative metabolism and concomitant reduction of several genes related to the breakdown of polysaccharides in WFA compared to W.


Utstillingen «Det fantastiske treet» forteller om hvordan treet blir til, og at fotosyntesen er grunnlaget for alt liv. Bladene er verdens beste solfangere, og vi forteller hvordan fotosyntesen skjer i bladet. Trærnes magiske evne til å forvandle luft til sukker forklares på en ny og spennende måte. For å vise hvor spektakulær fotosyntesen er har vi lagd en 9 meter lang lysende akrylvegg som viser snittet av et blad. Midt i utstillingen står en 7,5 meter høy treskulptur laget av 10 km aluminiumsrør – selve Det fantastiske treet. Det fantastiske treeter et godt eksempel på forskningsformidling og et fruktbart samarbeid mellom to institusjoner. Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi (NIBIO) ved Skog og utmarksdivisjonen (tidligere Skog og landskap) har gjort et stort og omfattende arbeid med å tilgjengeliggjøre forskning og kvalitetssikre innholdet i utstillingen. NIBIO har vært en uvurdelig støttespiller i den faglige kvalitetssikringen. Vi har lagd en utstilling som skal overbevise publikum om hvilken spektakulær prosess fotosyntesen er og at det ikke er «bare bare» å bli et stort tre. Publikum skal både fascineres, og de skal få ny kunnskap. Den skal også vekke nysgjerrigheten for spennende forskning og alle ubesvarte spørsmål vi har rundt skogen og treet – det er fremdeles mye vi ikke vet!