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Comprehensive approaches to predict performance of wood products are requested by international standards, and the first attempts have been made in the frame of European research projects. However, there is still an imminent need for a methodology to implement the durability and moisture performance of wood in an engineering design method and performance classification system. The aim of this study was therefore to establish an approach to predict service life of wood above ground taking into account the combined effect of wetting ability and durability data. A comprehensive data set was obtained from laboratory durability tests and still ongoing field trials in Norway, Germany and Sweden. In addition, four different wetting ability tests were performed with the same material. Based on a dose– response concept, decay rates for specimens exposed above ground were predicted implementing various indicating factors. A model was developed and optimised taking into account the resistance of wood against soft, white and brown rot as well as relevant types of water uptake and release. Decay rates from above-ground field tests at different test sites in Norway were predicted with the model. In a second step, the model was validated using data from laboratory and field tests performed in Germany and Sweden. The model was found to be fairly reliable, and it has the advantage to get implemented into existing engineering design guidelines. The approach at hand might furthermore be used for implementing wetting ability data into performance classification as requested by European standardisation bodies.


Creosote is commonly used as a wood preservative for highway timber bridges in Norway. However, excessive creosote bleeding at various highway timber bridge sites lead to complaints, and a potentially bad reputation for wooden timber bridges. Macro-and microanatomical factors such as the amount of heartwood, annual ring width, annual ring orientation, ray-height and composition and resin canal area were investigated in order to classify seven timber bridges in Norway into bleeding- and non-bleeding bridges. A classification into bleeding and non-bleeding was possible for discriminant categories based on three anatomical factors analysed on wood core samples. The amount of heartwood content dominated the influencing factors, even obscuring the significance of other factors. Classification with a low amount of variables was done preferably on sample level instead of bridge level, due to the restricted number of 17 core samples per bridge.

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Norges klimagassregnskap for treprodukter - Rapportering av klimagassregnskapet til UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) inkluderer for Norges del både rapportering under FNs klimakonvensjon og Kyotoprotokollen (KP). - Denne rapporten omhandler det som rapporteres for treprodukter (Harvested Wood Products, HWP). Dette rapporteres blant annet som årlige endringer i karbonlager («annual changes in carbon stocks») jamfør retningslinjer fra FN (IPCC 2014a). Endringene er begrenset til det som følger av nasjonal avvirkning. - Klimagassregnskapet til UNFCCC for treprodukter omfatter tre produktkategorier: trelast, trebaserte plater og papir- og kartongprodukter. Det enkelte land krediteres for nasjonalt forbruk og eksport av treprodukter, ikke for import. Nasjonalt forbruk og eksport rapporteres separat. - Aktivitetsdata for de tre produktkategoriene som rapporteres for treprodukter hentes fra FAO. Definisjonerne for de tre produktkategoriene som rapporteres er de samme som FAO bruker. - Norges klimagassregnskap estimerer lagerstørrelsen på nasjonal forbruk etter 1960 til å være 22 613 492 t C (-82 916 kt CO2) per 2014. Dette lageret har hatt en jevn økning etter 1961, siden århundreskiftet har det flatet ut. For eksport var det totale lageret i 2014 6 929 580 t C (-25 408 kt CO2)...