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This paper contributes to the debate on sustainable water consumption by exploring the relation between consumers’ personality, understanding of risk/trust and social distinction in water drinking practices in Norway. Our main research question, how can we understand preferences for water consumption?, is approached by answering a set of hypotheses inspired by a combination of three theoretical approaches. Latent variables measuring personality and conspicuous attitudes are included in frequency models based on the statistical beta distribution together with other predictors. Statistical tests were performed to find the connection between expected frequency of water consumption, personality, risk/trust and conspicuous attitudes. The conclusion is that the consequence of the connections between consumers’ personality, understanding of risk and conspicuous consumption of water should be considered by Norwegian stakeholders when planning future strategies and methods for more sustainable water consumption.

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Rapporten beskriver og dokumenterer inntektsvariasjon mellom ulike grupper gårdsbruk definert ved type produksjon, geografisk plassering og bruksstørrelse. I noen grad grad trekkes også inntekts-strukturen i husholdningen og inntektsvariasjon innen gruppe inn. I den grad det har vært mulig, er årsaker til inntektsvariasjon drøftet. I tillegg er usikkerheten i målingen av arbeidsforbruk i jordbru-ket vurdert. En begrensning i prosjektet er at en ikke har hatt informasjon om størrelsen av underskudd i jord-bruksnæring. Det en har hatt informasjon om er overskuddet når dette er positivt. Bare for samlet næringsinntekt er negative overskudd observert. Datagrunnlaget for analysen omfatter 6 926 husholdninger i SSBs landbruksundersøkelse 2018 der en personlig bruker er registrert med enkeltpersonforetak. Landbruksundersøkelsen inneholder blant annet tall for arbeidsforbruk i kalenderåret 2017. Disse er supplert med inntektsdata fra husholdning-enes selvangivelser (dvs. bruker, eventuell ektefelle/samboer/partner og andre familiemedlemmer med samme bostedsadresse) og detaljerte data om enkeltvekster og husdyr fra Landbruksdirektora-tets statistikk for produksjonstilskudd i jordbruket...

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Integration of technology is commonplace in forestry equipment supporting higher levels of automation and efficiency. For technology adoption to be successful it must demonstrate improvement in productivity, cost–effectiveness or in human factors and ergonomics. Cable yarding lends itself to automation with repetitive machine movement along a fixed corridor, as established by the skyline. This study aimed at investigating the difference in productivity between the two possible settings (manual and automated) of a Valentini V850 yarder equipped with automatic path programming, with a Bergwald 3-t carriage and radio controlled chokers. The study took place in the northern Italian Alpine eastern region over a period of 8 days on two separate corridors, resulting in 280 measured cycles split between manual and automated. Results in terms of absolute numbers were very close for the two system options, but significant differences were found. For example, inhaul time was longer, but outhaul time shorter for the automated system. Productivity ranged from 8.2 to 13.3 m3 PMH-1, and cost from approximately 20 to 30 € m-3. The automated system did achieve a significantly higher productivity, but differences declined with extraction distance. When that was combined with the slightly higher cost for the automated system, the automated system was more cost-effective on extraction distances less than 200 m, and the manual system on longer distances.

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Denne rapporten gjør en gjennomgang av kompetansebehovet i landbrukets verdikjeder, inkludert matindustrien. Det er også en oversikt og gjennomgang av utdanningstilbudene, fra videregående til universitet, som er rettet mot landbruket, samt søkning og kandidatproduksjon i disse. Til slutt i rapporten er det en gjennomgang av gap mellom kompetansebehov, utdanningstilbud og rekruttering, og forslag til tiltak.


This study aims to identify some of the critically important factors in the sustainability of microbreweries in peripheral northern areas, focusing on the entrepreneurs’ understanding of sustainability. Theoretically, this study adopts the perspective of service-dominant logic on value. Methodologically, it uses an action-research approach and conducts in-depth interviews with four entrepreneurs. The findings suggest that the entrepreneurs reflect on several relevant issues in line with sustainability thinking. The perception of sustainability, especially environmental sustainability, is one subject that the entrepreneurs perceive and sometimes in conflict with the economic sustainability of their businesses. Constraints recognized include the lack of strategic planning and explicit discussions about sustainability with potential stakeholders. A critically important factor for the sustainability of microbreweries is the need for entrepreneurs to engage in wider discussions about the conceptual and practical aspects of sustainability, especially with government and community bodies.


The term Circular Regulations (CR) is introduced to describe a broad regulatory framework, designed with a circular understanding of the economy. Central in this discussion is the transition towards bioeconomy, a term that is not always used consistently, and sometimes treated in the same way as circular economy (CE), although these terms are not necessarily equivalent. In this article we endorse a systemic interpretation of CE, where a continuum of approaches, extending from reusing/recycling/upcycling to refuse/rethink/reduce, gradually replace existing linear “end-of-life” concepts. CE is a key prerequisite for the bioeconomy shift, a transition that further builds on CE, where circular design and processes are further augmented with increased resource utilization and intensive applications of innovative science and technology. The prevailing regulatory arrangements in CE, however, remain either fragmented or largely based on pre-existing policies, drafted to address issues of the linear economy, thus presenting several limitations when dealing with the underlying paradigm shift: complex market relationships that go beyond the standard neoclassical model. CR adopts an encompassing approach to regulatory design; it is not meant to be a rigid set of rules, but rather a regulatory framework where institutions, market rules, and business practice explicitly account for environmental and socially responsible activities, while securing an enabling environment for innovation. CR directly reflects on CE, where bioeconomy growth is informed by science, enabled by technology, driven by business, and supported by relevant policies and institutional frameworks. The article presents a conceptual setting towards CR and a practical example for its development.