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This study was conducted to explore organic and conventional dairy farmers' perceptions of risk and risk management, and to examine relationships between farm and farmer characteristics, risk perceptions, and strategies. The data originate from a survey of conventional (n=363) and organic (n=162) dairy farmers in Norway. Organic farmers had the least risk averse perceptions. Institutional and production risks were perceived as primary sources of risk, with farm support payments at the top. Compared to their conventional colleagues, organic farmers gave more weight to institutional factors related to their production systems. Conventional farmers were more concerned about costs of purchased inputs and animal welfare policy. Organic and conventional farmers' management responses were more similar than their risk perceptions. Financial measures such as liquidity and costs of production, disease prevention, and insurance were perceived as important ways to handle risk. Even though perceptions were highly farmer-specific, a number of socio-economic variables were found to be related to risk and risk management. The primary role of institutional risks implies that policy makers should be cautious about changing policy capriciously and they should consider the scope for strategic policy initiatives that give farmers some greater confidence about the longer term. Further, researchers should pay more attention to institutional risks. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Animal health and health handling were studied in organic dairy farms separated into three groups according to time of conversion. The study showed differences in both health and health handling between the groups and especially so for the earliest converters.

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Ofte får gardbrukere erfare at produksjon og inntekt ikke blir som en hadde tenkt seg på forhånd. En gardbruker har aldri full kontroll over de tallrike faktorene som påvirker drifta, og usikre framtidige konsekvenser innebærer risiko. Mange tenker mest på de ugunstige situasjonene en kan bli utsatt for, og som blant anna skyldes avlingssvikt, naturkatastrofer, prisfall og uheldige politikkendringer. I verste fall kan slike forhold rasere inntekter og formuesverdier til gardbrukere. Få driftsøkonomiske studier innen økologisk jordbruk har tatt hensyn til risiko. Dette gjelder nasjonalt så vel som internasjonalt. Hovedmålet med prosjektet har vært å øke kunnskapen om risiko og risikohandtering innenfor økologisk jordbruksproduksjon i Norge. Med utgangspunkt i hovedmålet ble følgende delmål opprinnelig formulert for prosjektet: 1. Belyse omfang av risiko, spesielt avlings-, avdråtts-, dyrehelse-, pris- og inntektsrisiko knyttet til økologisk gardsdrift. 2. Belyse hvilke strategier økologiske produsenter nytter for å handtere risiko. 3. Utvikle gardsmodeller for å analysere økonomisk optimal tilpassing ved usikkerhet i økologisk jordbruk. […]


Animal health and health handling were studied in organic dairy farms separated into three groups according to time of conversion. The study showed differences in both health and health handling between the groups and especially so for the earliest converters.


This study was conducted to explore organic and conventional dairy farmers? perceptions of risk and risk management, and to examine relationships between farm and farmer characteristics, risk perceptions, and strategies.