Lampros Lamprinakis
Research Scientist
(+47) 911 27 492
Ås O43
Visiting address
Oluf Thesens vei 43, 1433 Ås
Curriculum vitae (pdf)Biography
Lampros LamprinakisAbstract
The term Circular Regulations (CR) is introduced to describe a broad regulatory framework, designed with a circular understanding of the economy. Central in this discussion is the transition towards bioeconomy, a term that is not always used consistently, and sometimes treated in the same way as circular economy (CE), although these terms are not necessarily equivalent. In this article we endorse a systemic interpretation of CE, where a continuum of approaches, extending from reusing/recycling/upcycling to refuse/rethink/reduce, gradually replace existing linear “end-of-life” concepts. CE is a key prerequisite for the bioeconomy shift, a transition that further builds on CE, where circular design and processes are further augmented with increased resource utilization and intensive applications of innovative science and technology. The prevailing regulatory arrangements in CE, however, remain either fragmented or largely based on pre-existing policies, drafted to address issues of the linear economy, thus presenting several limitations when dealing with the underlying paradigm shift: complex market relationships that go beyond the standard neoclassical model. CR adopts an encompassing approach to regulatory design; it is not meant to be a rigid set of rules, but rather a regulatory framework where institutions, market rules, and business practice explicitly account for environmental and socially responsible activities, while securing an enabling environment for innovation. CR directly reflects on CE, where bioeconomy growth is informed by science, enabled by technology, driven by business, and supported by relevant policies and institutional frameworks. The article presents a conceptual setting towards CR and a practical example for its development.
Lampros LamprinakisAbstract
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Lampros Lamprinakis Luca Mulazzani Cyril Tisseyre Burkhard Schaer Hilde Halland Signe Kårstad Giulio Malorgio Marta Verza Cosimo Rota Diva Fernandez Francesca Marino Gabriele Miserendino Konstadinos MattasAbstract
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Lampros LamprinakisAbstract
The chapter addresses the impacts of ethics in business’ competitiveness as they are naturally emerging in an embedded firm—i.e., a business organization that is “lifted out” from its market environment and instead explicitly takes into consideration social and environmental factors—e.g., socio-historical capital, environment, local resources, etc. In doing so we adopt the realist approach of the “soft” Polanyian interpretation of embeddedness where business organizations retain their corporate nature and continue to operate in the market economy; embeddedness is then built around the market economy and is expressed on the way the business organization is active in its relevant markets. Capital accumulation and other conventional corporate goals continue to drive the firm’s behavior which is now further impacted by local socio-ecological systems and a greater sense of responsibility and purpose.
Lampros LamprinakisAbstract
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