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Å ta vare på landskap som omfatter både natur- og kulturminnekvaliteter, leve- og næringsområder er spesielt utfordrende. Det nasjonale prosjektet «Utvalgte kulturlandskap i jordbruket», som, i samarbeid med Direktoratet for naturforvaltning og Riksantikvaren blir koordinert av Statens Landbruksforvaltning, er et godt eksempel på en slik oppgave og utfordring. Vi har studert to av i alt 22 områder som er med i dette nasjonale prosjektet. Både verneaspektet (natur, kulturminner og landskap), graden av sosial og næringsmessig aksept blant grunneiere og bønder og den juridiske og økonomiske siden er belyst.


Changes in the institutional and market environments can present new challenges for organizations. The ability to properly and adequately change and adapt to these new conditions can be crucial for organizations’ competitiveness and their long-term survival. The article offers a qualitative case study analysis on the transformation process of the biggest Finnish dairy organization, Valio, in the light of the country’s accession to the EU. The analysis is based on thirteen personal in-depth semi-structured interviews with management employees, executives, past directors and industry insiders. The examination covers several aspects of the organization’s efforts to adapt with a particular focus on processes, strategies, and transition stages, and thus provides invaluable insight that allows the better understanding of a successful transformation.


Valio, a well-established "national institution" in Finland, had a rich background based on cooperative tradition and extensive regional spread. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the company had to undergo a process of change and re-organization in order to address the challenges arising from the EU accession. After years of restructuring and changing in its business model, Valio remains a major player in Finland and one of the most well-known brands in the region. The purpose of this case study is to stimulate a critical evaluation of the processes Valio undertook in order to address the coming challenges. The case is especially suited as a starting point for a broader discussion on organizational change and adaptation. Teaching notes are provided with proposals and questions.