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In this study, the microbiomes linked with the operational parameters in seven mesophilic full-scale AD plants mainly treating food waste (four plants) and sewage sludge (three plants) were analyzed. The results obtained indicated lower diversity and evenness of the microbial population in sludge digestion (SD) plants compared to food digestion (FD) plants. Candidatus Accumulibacter dominated (up to 42.1%) in SD plants due to microbial immigration from fed secondary sludge (up to 89%). Its potential activity in SD plants was correlated to H2 production, which was related to the dominance of hydrogenotrophic methanogens (Methanococcus). In FD plants, a balance between the hydrogenotrophic and methylotrophic pathways was found, while Flavobacterium and Levilinea played an important role during acidogenesis. Levilinea also expressed sensitivity to ammonia in FD plants. The substantial differences in hydraulic retention time (HRT), organic loading rate (OLR), and total ammonium nitrogen (TAN) among the studied FD plants did not influence the archaeal methane production pathway. In addition, the bacterial genera responsible for acetate production through syntrophy and homoacetogenesis (Smithella, Treponema) were present in all the plants studied.

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This study attempted to enhance sulfidogenic activity via sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) enrichment and minimize organic carbon loss by methanogen inhibition in the sulfidogenic stage of a two-stage anaerobic digestion system (TSADS). To enrich SRB in the sulfidogenic stage, batch tests were performed with various granular sludge pretreatments. Starvation was the most effective pretreatment, increasing SO42− removal and minimizing chemical oxygen demand (COD) loss by inhibiting methanogen activity. Microbial community analysis showed that Desulfovibrio, Desulfotomaculum, and Syntrophobacter were the dominant SRB in the sulfidogenic stage (5.0%, 3.1%, and 2.4%, respectively). This enabled SO42− reduction (86%) and volatile fatty acid production (55% of fed COD) at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 4 h. Conversely, biogas with a reduced H2S content (110 ppmv) was produced in the methanogenic stage (HRT = 6 h). A granular sludge comparison revealed differences in their ecology, structure, and extracellular polymeric substance characteristics. Economic feasibility analysis demonstrated that TSADS can lead to a cost reduction of $80–90/1,000 m3 CH4 compared to single-stage anaerobic digestion.

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This study evaluated the effects of bio-based carbon materials on methane production by anaerobic digestion. The results showed that biochar and hydrochar can promote cumulative methane yield by 15% to 29%. However, there was no statistical significance (p > 0.05) between hydrochar and biochar produced at different temperature on methane production. 16S rRNA gene sequencing and bioinformatics analysis showed that biochar and hydrochar enriched microorganism that might participate in direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) such as Pseudomonadaceae, Bacillaceae, and Clostridiaceae. The the surface properties of the modified biochar were characterized with BET, Raman, FTIR and XPS. Bio-based carbon materials with uniform dispersion provided a stable environment for the DIET of microorganisms and electrons are transferred through aromatic functional groups on the surface of materials. This study reveals bio-based carbon materials surface properties on methane production in anaerobic digestion and provides a new approach to recycling spent coffee grounds.

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Syngas from pyrolysis/gasification process is a mixture of CO, CO2 and H2, which could be converted to CH4, so called syngas biomethanation. Its development is obstructed due to the low productivity and CO inhibition. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility of using syngas as the only carbon source containing high CO concentration (40%) for biomethanation. Lab-scale thermophilic bioreactor inoculated with anaerobic sludge was operated continuously for over 900 h and the shift of microbial structure were investigated. Results showed that thermophilic condition was suitable for syngas biomethanation and the microbes could adapt to high CO concentration. Higher processing capacity of 12.6 m3/m3/d was found and volumetric methane yield of 2.97 m3/m3/d was observed. These findings could strengthen the theoretical basis of syngas biomethanation and support its industrialization in the future.

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With the development of the world economy and society, the living standards of residents have been improved, along with a large amount of food waste and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In the face of global warming and energy shortages, food waste can be used as high-value bio-energy raw materials which is also an effective way to reduce CO2 emissions. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel anaerobic digestion and CO2 emissions efficiency analysis based on a Slacks-Based Measure integrating Data Envelopment Analysis (SBM-DEA) model to evaluate and optimize the process structure of anaerobic treatment of food waste. The total feed volume and the discharge volume of liquid digestate are taken as inputs, and the total methane (CH4) production volume is taken as the desirable output and CO2 emissions are regarded as the undesirable output to build the biogas production and CO2 emissions evaluation model during the anaerobic digestion process. Finally, the proposed method is used in the actual anaerobic digestion process. The results show that the overall efficiency values in January, April, May, and June in 2020 are higher than those in other months. At the same time, due to the optimal allocation of slack variables of inputs and undesirable outputs, the efficiency values of other inefficient anaerobic digestion days can be improved.


Søkelyset på utfordringene med plast og forsøplingsproblematikken har sammen med nye krav og forbud fra EU, ført til at mange produsenter ønsker seg gode alternativer til fossil plast. Et resultat av dette er at stadig flere velger bionedbrytbar plast i emballasje eller som alternativ i landbruket. Men hva skjer med den bionedbrytbare plasten? Enten ute på jordet eller i kommunale biokomposteringsanlegg. Blir den brutt ned? Det er noe Grønt Punkt Norge ønsker bedre svar på. Derfor har vi vært initiativtaker til et 3-årig prosjekt hvor NIBIO skal forske på dette. Prosjektet er nå halvveis og onsdag 24. mars vil forsker Claire Coutris fra NIBIO dele noen foreløpige resultater.