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The Environmental Effects Assessment Panel of the Montreal Protocol under the United Nations Environment Programme evaluates effects on the environment and human health that arise from changes in the stratospheric ozone layer and concomitant variations in ultraviolet (UV) radiation at the Earth’s surface. The current update is based on scientific advances that have accumulated since our last assessment (Photochem and Photobiol Sci 20(1):1–67, 2021). We also discuss how climate change affects stratospheric ozone depletion and ultraviolet radiation, and how stratospheric ozone depletion affects climate change. The resulting interlinking effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation, and climate change are assessed in terms of air quality, carbon sinks, ecosystems, human health, and natural and synthetic materials. We further highlight potential impacts on the biosphere from extreme climate events that are occurring with increasing frequency as a consequence of climate change. These and other interactive effects are examined with respect to the benefits that the Montreal Protocol and its Amendments are providing to life on Earth by controlling the production of various substances that contribute to both stratospheric ozone depletion and climate change.


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Chafer grubs and leatherjackets can cause severe damages to Scandinavian Golf Courses – mainly in the southern areas. Damages from chafer grubs are occasional, damages from leatherjackets tend to be increasing. Restrictions on insecticides have necessitated the use of alternative control methods. Many experiments with microbiological agents like entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) and strains of Bacillus thuringiensis have been conducted, but monitoring and warning, and methods for application, spraying equipment and technique, formulation of and effective species of microbiological agents must be improved. Good communication with the golfers is essential, as more damages from insect pests will occur now and in the future, and alternative methods are often more expensive and less effective than the synthetic insecticides. Course managers and greenkeepers have to become experts in the use of microbiological control.