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Several biocells varying from 100 m3 to about 8000 tons have been established at waste treatment locations in Norway since 1998. We studied biocells by characterizing the waste material by degradation, gas and leachate emission and post-treatment potential, by taking several samples distributed in space and time. Field sample analyses were water content, leachate temperature, redox conditions, oxygen content, electrical conductivity and pH, and gas temperature, O2, CH4 and CO2 concentrations. Waste samples were drilled up by a 10-inch auger down to 6 m depth. The collected samples were analyzed and used for composting experiments. The temperature in the biocelles varied between 10 to 14 ºC in the period from august to December. The waste was characterised as completely or slightly completely degraded after 4 years of biocell storage/treatment, based on "Rotte-test" and respirometer analyses. Microbial analyses showed that the material was free from salmonella, but contained some thermotolerant colibacteria in the most degraded part. Samples from the slightly degraded waste were also free from thermotolerant colibacteria. None of the waste samples showed any inhibition against the germination of plants. The temperature in the most degraded material did not increase significantly during composting. This material can thus not be treated aerobically after removal from the biocell, ie. for reducing pathogens. The factors leachate strenght measured as electrical conductivity, BOD and C/N-ratio best explained the methane content of the biogas in each sampling point. A total production of 593 t landfill gas has been measured from the large biocell. The annual mean methane concentration increased from 28 to 56%, with an overall mean of 48%. This gives a 21% degradation of organic carbon in four years, based on certain assumptions on the incoming waste. The estimated degradation of organic matter is between 50% and 75% in four years.


Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is known to be a major odourant in landfills. We have studied H2S production from landfill residual waste with and without added sulphur as waste from plasterboards. We also studied the influence of water content in the waste. The lab experiments were conducted in 30-l plastic containers with controlled water level. We also studied the effectiveness of different reactive layers to remove H2S. The organic waste produced H2S in the order of 40 ppm over a period of 80 days. When plasterboard was added, the H2S production with a high water level increased to 800 ppm after a lag period of about 40 days, and to about 100 ppm after 50 days with low water content. The CH4 concentration in the initial experiment increased to 55% to 70% after 80 days. The CH4 concentration in the second experiment increased to nearly 70% in the container with high water content, slowly declining to nearly 60% between 20 and 60 days. In the container with low water content the CH4 concentration increased to 60% and stayed nearly constant. In the container with high water level a decline in the CH4 concentration was observed coinciding with a presence of CO. The results from the experiments with reactive layers were not available before submitting the proceeding.


The three organic cropping systems Landvik (in Grimstad), Voll (at Ås) and Kvithamar (in Stjørdal) were established in 1993 on previously conventionally farmed soils of marine origin. The six-year crop rotation at Landvik was designed for an organic stockless farm producing cash crops. These crops were fertilized with composted organic household waste from the nearby community (maximum 100 kg N ha-1) and composted waste from the system itself. The rotation at Voll was designed for an arable farm withbeef production from suckling cows (0.9 animal units ha-1), and the rotation at Kvithamar was designed for a dairy cattle farm (1.0 animal unit ha-1). During the first six years of organic farming, the soil reserves of K were slightly depleted. The nutrient balance was –250 kg K ha-1 at Voll and –420 kg K ha-1 at Landvik, and the content of easily soluble K in the plough layer decreased at these sites. At Kvithamar, however, where the K balance for six years was –380 kg ha-1, no changes in soil content of K were recorded. For P, the six-year balance was positive at Landvik, where altogether 120 kg P ha-1 was supplied from composted household waste. The P balance was negative (-40 kg ha-1) at Voll and Kvithamar, and at Voll the content of easily soluble P in the plough layer was lower in 1999 than in 1993. In the study period, the yields were variable both within and between the systems. We have not identified any trends or variations in yields that might have been directly caused by changesin soil nutrient status or other soil quality components. At Voll and Kvithamar, however, the number of earthworm and the soil macroporosity increased from 1993 to 1999, with a concurrent slight increase in the yields of leys (Voll) and grain crops and swedes (Kvithamar). In the system at Landvik the yields of potatos and carrots were higher the first two than the last four years. At this site the soil structure was good, and the porosity and earthworm activity high, during the whole study period.