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To predict how the function of urban vegetation and the provision of ecosystem services respond to combinations of natural and anthropogenic drivers, a better understanding of multiple stress interactions is required. This study tested combined effects of moderate levels of drought, soil salinity and exposure to diesel exhaust on parameters of physiology, metabolism, morphology and growth of Pinus sylvestris L. saplings. We found that plant responses were primarily dominated by single stressors and a few two-way interactions. Stressor combinations did not have considerable additional negative effects on plant performance compared to single stressors. Hence, synergistic and antagonistic interactions were rare and additive effects frequent. Drought cycles caused most negative effects, from chlorophyll a fluorescence and epicuticular wax content to growth responses, while soil salinity caused fewer negative effects but contributed to reduction in fine root growth and fluorescence parameters at low air contamination. Interestingly, the air contamination alone had only marginal effects on plant morphology and growth, but contributed an antagonistic effect, dampening the negative effect of drought and salinity on the maximum quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm) and fine root biomass. Although, these effects were moderate, it appears that exhaust exposure had a cross-acclimation effect on plant responses to drought and salinity. We also found that salinity had a negative effect on the accumulation of particulate matter on shoots, illustrating that the plant stress situation can affect the provisioning of certain ecosystem services like pollution attenuation. These findings have implications for the understanding of the complex natural and anthropogenic stress situation of urban, and how to maintain the ecological functions and delivery of ecosystem services.

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Seed crops of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) are usually established with a cover crop. Provided sufficient light, white clover may compensate for low plant density by stoloniferous growth. Our objectives were (1) to compare spring barley or spring wheat used as cover crops for white clover and (2) to find the optimal seeding rate/row distance for white clover. Seven field trials were conducted in Southeast Norway from 2000 to 2003. Barley was seeded at 360 and 240 seeds m−2 and wheat at 525 and 350 seeds m−2. White clover was seeded perpendicularly to the cover crop at 400 seeds m−2/13 cm row distance or 200 seeds m−2/26 cm. Results showed that light penetration in spring and early summer was better in wheat than in barley. On average for seven trials, this resulted in 11% higher seed yield after establishment in wheat than in barley. The 33% reduction in cover crop seeding rate had no effect on white clover seed yield for any of the cover crops. Reducing the seeding rate/doubling the row distance of white clover had no effect on seed yield but resulted in slightly earlier maturation of the seed crop.


Bladfaks er et varig og tørkesterkt fôrgras med kraftig utløperdanning. Viktige artskjennetegn er blad som er rullet i knoppleie, bladslire som er tynt behåret og lukket nesten helt opp til kragen, og et karakteristisk W-merke i bladplatene. Bladfaks er naturlig tilpasset kontinentale områder med kalde vintre og varme somre, så som Russland, Ukraina og prærie-områdene i USA og Canada. I Norge dyrkes bladfaks først og fremst i fjell- og dalbygdene på Østlandet, ikke minst i de tørre områdene i øvre Gudbrandsdalen / Ottadalen. Men på sandjord er bladfaks populær også i andre landsdeler, for eksempel i Nordland og indre fjordstrøk på Vestlandet.


Engrapp (Poa pratensis L.) er et flerårig, vintersterkt bladgras med god gjenvekstevne. Arten har underjordiske stengelutløpere (rhizomer) og danner dermed en tett og slitesterk grasbunn. Av denne grunn er engrapp en viktig komponent i frøblandinger til beite, ferdigplen, fotballbaner og andre grasarealer med mye slitasje. Engrapp er treg i etableringsfasen og tåler dårlig klipping under 2 cm, men den er hardfør og varig. Ved avbeiting på et tidlig stadium er den en ypperlig fôrplante.