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To mitigate climate change, several European countries have launched policies to promote the development of a renewable resource-based bioeconomy. These bioeconomy strategies plan to use renewable biological resources, which will increase timber and biomass demands and will potentially conflict with multiple other ecosystem services provided by forests. In addition, these forest ecosystem services (FES) are also influenced by other, different, policy strategies, causing a potential mismatch in proposed management solutions for achieving the different policy goals. We evaluated how Norwegian forests can meet the projected wood and biomass demands from the international market for achieving mitigation targets and at the same time meet nationally determined targets for other FES. Using data from the Norwegian national forest inventory (NFI) we simulated the development of Norwegian forests under different management regimes and defined different forest policy scenarios, according to the most relevant forest policies in Norway: national forest policy (NFS), biodiversity policy (BIOS), and bioeconomy policy (BIES). Finally, through multi-objective optimization, we identified the combination of management regimes matching best with each policy scenario. The results for all scenarios indicated that Norway will be able to satisfy wood demands of up to 17 million m3 in 2093. However, the policy objectives for FES under each scenario caused substantial differences in terms of the management regimes selected. We observed that BIES and NFS resulted in very similar forest management programs in Norway, with a dominance of extensive management regimes. In BIOS there was an increase of set aside areas and continuous cover forestry, which made it more compatible with biodiversity indicators. We also found multiple synergies and trade-offs between the FES, likely influenced by the definition of the policy targets at the national scale.


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Species turnover is ubiquitous. However, it remains unknown whether certain types of species are consistently gained or lost across different habitats. Here, we analysed the trajectories of 1827 plant species over time intervals of up to 78 years at 141 sites across mountain summits, forests, and lowland grasslands in Europe. We found, albeit with relatively small effect sizes, displacements of smaller- by larger-ranged species across habitats. Communities shifted in parallel towards more nutrient-demanding species, with species from nutrient-rich habitats having larger ranges. Because these species are typically strong competitors, declines of smaller-ranged species could reflect not only abiotic drivers of global change, but also biotic pressure from increased competition. The ubiquitous component of turnover based on species range size we found here may partially reconcile findings of no net loss in local diversity with global species loss, and link community-scale turnover to macroecological processes such as biotic homogenisation.


Scots pine exhibits variations in ray anatomy, which are poorly understood. Some ray parenchyma cells develop thick and lignified cell walls before heartwood formation. We hypothesized that some stands and trees show high numbers of lignified and thick-walled parenchyma cells early in the sapwood. Therefore, a microscopic analysis of Scots pine sapwood from four different stands in Northern Europe was performed on Safranin — Astra blue-stained tangential micro sections from outer and inner sapwood areas. Significant differences in lignification and cell wall thickening of ray parenchyma cells were observed in the outer sapwood between all of the stands for the trees analyzed. On a single tree level, the relative lignification and cell wall thickening of ray parenchyma cells ranged from 4.3% to 74.3% in the outer sapwood. In the inner sapwood, lignification and cell wall thickening of ray parenchyma cells were more frequent. In some trees, however, the difference in lignification and cell wall thickening between inner and outer sapwood was small since early lignification, and cell wall thickening was already more common in the outer sapwood. Ray composition and number of rays per area were not significantly different within the studied material. However, only one Scottish tree had a significantly higher number of ray parenchyma cells per ray. The differences discovered in lignification and cell wall thickening in ray parenchyma cells early in the sapwood of Scots pine are relevant for wood utilization in general and impregnation treatments with protection agents in particular.

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This paper presents some of the ethical challenges that current care robots raise in home- and healthcare services for senior adults (≥65 years). The paper is grounded in some of the state-of-the-art projects within the area of care robotics.Further, the paper identifies and discusses several central challenges raised by using robots as part of care services for the elderly people. The paper contributes to the ethical debate on the implications care robots may have for the practical context of healthcare. In addition, the paper summarizes the main lines of the EU legal approach to AI robotic technology, offering a comprehensive picture of the existing regulatory, theoretical and research gaps, compelling the need of an interdisciplinary ethical reflection on care robots. Finally, the discussion is then balanced by some of the opportunities the care robots may provide for the care services.


Statskog eier om lag 8% av Norges produktive skogareal. Skogen er dominert av en stor andel hogstmoden skog og en overvekt av skog på lavere boniteter. Tilveksten i skogen er svakt avtagende noe som sannsynligvis skyldes skjev aldersklasse fordeling med mye eldre skog. Hogsten i skogen er kun om lag en tredjedel av tilveksten og fører til en sterk oppbygging av det stående volum på Statskog sine eiendommer. Når tilveksten er høyere enn avvirking vil man vanligvis forvente et opptak av karbon i skogen. Dette er også tilfellet for Statskog hvor det er estimert et karbonopptak på om lag 1,5 mill. ton CO2 per år. Karbon opptaket er litt mindre nå enn det var tidligere ettersom tilveksten er fallende og hogsten har vært svakt økende. Når man driver hogst er det fossile utslipp knyttet til hogst, terrengtransport, og tømmerbil transport. Mellom 2010 og 2019 har utslippene fra hogst og transport variert mellom 1 600 tonn CO2 og 4 900 tonn CO2 avhengig av hogstkvantum. Det er viktig å fremheve at utslippene fra transport og hogst er minimale sammenlignet med opptaket av CO2 i skogen til Statskog. Når man avvirker skog produseres det materialer som kan erstatte fossil intensive materialer til andre sektorer slik som bygg og energi. Det er vanskelig å direkte kvantifisere substitusjonen av fossil intensive materialer da effekten er avhengig av de spesifikke materialene som erstattes og effektiviteten i hele verdikjeden. På den andre siden er substitusjon en viktig del av klimaeffekten ved hogst og bør inkluderes når man vurderer klimaeffekter av skogsdrift. Hvis vi antar at skurlast produsert fra avvirkningen til Statskog benyttes til å erstatte stål er det estimert at substitusjonen mellom 2010 og 2019 har variert mellom 32 000 og 99 000 tonn CO2 per år. Substitusjonseffekten er dermed mye høyere enn utslippene fra hogst og transport, men likevel små i forhold til opptaket av karbon i skogen til Statskog. Gjennom skogbehandlingen kan man kraftig påvirke opptaket av karbon i skogen. På lang sikt, er det muligheter for å øke opptaket av karbon gjennom økt plantetetthet og økt bruk av foredlet plantemateriale. Ved å gjødsle skogen kan man oppnå raskt økende opptak av karbon, men den samlede effekten er ikke nødvendigvis så stor da det er begrenset med arealer som er egnet til økt gjødslingsintensitet. Andre tiltak slik som forlenget omløpstid kan også vurderes, men må ses i sammenheng med skogens helsetilstand og effekter på det tilgjengelige hogstkvantum.